Sharing Thoughts on Communties, Individuals & Networking.

Common denominator

noun Mathematics

noun: common denominator; plural noun: common denominators

a common multiple of the denominators of several fractions.
a feature shared by all members of a group.
"the common denominator in these companies is the awareness of the importance of quality"

Source: google!

One of the things that I consider a responsibility as a Steemian is to look for what people have in common. What can help unite us as people.

It has been since the dawn of time that people have been uniting based on needs, wants, wishes and many other things they had in common.
We today see this in the various communities growing day in day out. Steem grows as we grow. Steem becomes stronger every time we combine our efforts and energies.

So my best description to use for this approach is "finding a common denominator".

Again, mathematics has shown to be applicable in every aspect of life!

I'll take for example the various communities built around a nation and/or language.
Within that community there are many wonderful people who are united by their cultural bond and yet among them are many people who can share this same emotion of "belonging" to many other communities.
No matter if that be something as personal as religion or something worldly such as a profession. We have what it takes to network out. Each and every community has what it takes, the most valuable asset of all time, people (human resources).

Even when at first glance we may not see that common denominator, it is there. It really depends upon each and every one of us to try and find it. If our goals are to make Steem succeed then we all have to succeed as communities in which individuals are respected.

Shall we succeed if we ignore the need for networking?

I seriously doubt it.

In order to successfully network we need to appreciate that it is a two way street. No "my way or the highway", that approach only works with totalitarians who obviously suffer from who knows what all complexes.

Is networking a skill?

Networking is possibly one of the most important skills for entrepreneurs ....... Networking involves building and maintaining contacts and relationships with other people.

Source: IDK, did a basic google search and found this in the quick links that it threw my way!

We may all have opinions, but experiences of too many people have confirmed that this skill is probably one of the most important and at times most difficult to keep on mastering.
Yes, that is right. Generations keep changing, so to do their needs, hopes, expectations. Technology changes, faster than what any people could have ever imagined a few decades ago.

So, this is a skill that can never be mastered in its entirety and hence this adds many more arguments to the case of letting people network out and expand their influence and knowledge base.

Now, the word "networking" may in some ways remind many people of those pyramid schemes out there. No, what we are talking about here is nothing like that.

There is no "top of a pyramid" in networking among societies, it is all interlinked.


Image source

This is the key to our future here, no matter whether we are talking about bloggers, vloggers, photo-bloggers, etc!

We already have it all there, we have found Discord to be a suitable tool to coordinate within communities and to communicate among each other too.

So, we are ready for the future of Steem.

We are literally concentrating on people and not like many other "endeavours" out there which are all about the money and nothing else.

Why not promote independence of each community we have and help build these communities simply by letting people who and what they are, individuals. So that each and every community of ours has its members in almost all other communities too and vice versa.

People working with people that they can relate too! The common denominator that exists between people is the foundation to the future.

This post is a short one, because this thought is so straight forwards.

No need to complicate it or wrap it up in all sorts of fancy wrapping paper. I'm not posting this to get the hundreds and possibly thousands of upvotes. I am posting this to share my inner thoughts and visions, so that others may understand me better and maybe see the same wonderful future I see for Steem. "See it through my eyes" as some may say!

I appreciate your time, hope that you too can share your thoughts and visions here, no matter if it be via comments or via new posts. Sharing is caring.

Look forward to reading your thoughts and visions, again, another step closer to achieving the above mentioned!

Thanks for reading.

Yours truly


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