Steemit Lessons #1 - GOING FORWARD // More than promotion for Steemit


Twenty five days ago I started out a project: Steemit Lessons for Venezuelans.

“You give a poor man a fish and you feed him for a day. You teach him to fish and you give him an occupation that will feed him for a lifetime.” - Chinese proverb.


More than 70 persons!!

I want to thank to all the people that came to my event, the introductory class of Steemit that start a cycle of lessons to learn and grow. We were more than 70 persons who came and I appreciate so much the presence of each one of you. Watching you with your notebooks writing the tips and recommendations give me even more motivation to continue with this project, an event that started as something tiny became something extra big. Mysteriously I had no setbacks, everything went perfect. It was a joy for me to organize something so cute. Many people contacted me hours before the the event to apologize for not being able to attend, and many others thanked the initiative.




In this grupal photography you can see all those persons that came and want to learn. So many of them are already in the platform, we were in total 29 steemians that are active in Steemit. We are were surprises of the team we made, after this we had a nice Meetup to interact and meet us a little more.




Here I'm with two great steemians @arteadictorals and @mariacaffrey.






If you have been reading my older post you must know that since more than a month I have been trying to help all those people that defend and use the bad practices as it is the "Vote per vote" or the "Follow me and I follow you" some of this persons that didn't know or neither understand what it is or how steemit works and although I have supported several and they have improved a bit I can see that they have a lot to catch. Whe are so many venezuelans and Steemit can change us the life.




When I came up with this idea I was with @arteadictorals and I say to him:

What If we teach people how to use steemit?

To promote Steemit is something great, any person with a slight knowledge of the platform can do it. There are all the time several Meetups around Venezuela where you can find more people that are in the same move as you: STEEMIT; you talk with them and hang out, if you have any doubt you can ask but that's it.

But this time was different, this little Meetup called Introductory Class had more than 70 attendees will be extended to a cycle of lessons that started out the Tuesday 27 of February in the same place at the same time (5pm in the installations of the school of Kung Fu Nei Shu) all this lessons are totally free and everyone can assist.






Steemit Basic by @jokossita

The first class I give a lesson of Basic Steemit touching key points in a simple way in less than 45 minutes. Short definitions, common questions and doubts that we all have initiating in the platform of course something really important in our first steps: The first post! In this lessons @arteadictorals supported me.

Here is the post in spanish but I'll be translating soon.
Steemit Lessons - First Class // Meet Up Barquisimeto. Spanish post


Photography of the First Steemit Lesson


Photography of the First Steemit Lesson


Improving the image of your post by @lauraesfeliz

The second lesson is more advanced was going to be the Tuesday 6 of March, Laura is a Barquisimetan girl familiarized with the blogs, she work with HTML and have a strong domain of the structure in the post that made her a great election for this class were you are going to learn how to improve the structure of your post.

As many people wanted to come but not all could we organized a intensive lesson were me and @lauraesfeliz were going to give a full day of classes. But for reasons of the place were the lessons were given we just have to cancel everything in the last minute (with all the pain of my heart).

But still the people came to my house (I live near the Kung Fu school) we boutgh pizza and we explained some things, @lauraesfeliz give the class of HTML so we create a little Study Meet Up, so thanks to the problem with the previus place were we where giving the lessons I could find myself with a new idea and project. You can read the spanish post here: Keeping Upp with the steemit lessons - Number 2 project working promise to translate it soon.

We are going to have more than 6 lessons in this cycle.

Photography of the Second Steemit Lesson, the one that I cancel and become a Study Meetup


Photography of the Second Steemit Lesson, the one that I cancel and become a Study Meetup


We have as much assistance in my class as in the beggining of this Introductory class, information of each class will be constantly posted in my social media Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram or any other place you can find me as @jokossita. You can also join us in our discord chat




After the introductory class we had a typical Barquisimeto sunset that give us as gift the awesome color in the photographies.








So many cute persons came to the event, they have so much talent and great things to share in this platform, photograpers, reporters, atletes, artist, businessman and even a kid of 13 years old that want to start in this. I giveaway some pretty cute flyers where you can see exactly how to register and to not panic.






I'm totally grateful with each one of the persons who came to learn, with @theghost1980 for supporting me in the introductory lesson, with @arteadictorals for his support since the project was just an idea.

Thanks to the radio people of the 94.1FM and to the "Barriada del Rock" team, to the UCLA of arts and the project "La vida Suena" and to all those people who in a way or another help me to start this project sucesfully.

Thanks for all the people that make this Steemit Lessons Project came to live.




And as I said in the First post of Steemit Lessons Project:

A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open; The Steemit lessons are a pair of wings that only need to unfold to fly, be part of us.


Clases de Steemit #1 - AVANZAMOS !! Más que promoción para steemit

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