QUESNEY21 (Day9): 100 Degrees Steemit Introduction Session - 3rd April at Talentbank


I loved watching The Sound Of Music when I was growing up. I remember singing the songs...it is was super entertaining...

"Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start..."Now doesn't that bring back memories? This event was all about the beginning for those new to Steemit!

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Anyway last Tuesday I decided to head over to support @maverickfoo who conducted the Steemit 100 Degrees Introduction Session. Well, I invited my sister and a friend for the introduction, so yeah I thought it would be a good idea to be there too. It was actually the first time that I have experienced an introduction to Steemit session. I started on Steemit on my own and then decided to attend a two-day boot camp two weeks after I started.

Just as I arrived at the venue I took out my trusty Huawei Mate 9 to take some photos but to my horror, my phone camera couldn't seem to focus at all! All the pictures were blurry and the only ones that could be taken clearly were selfie photos. Thank God, I could use my sister's iPhone to take pictures. All credit for the photos goes to her!

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We had a difficult time finding the place but at last, here we are at the entrance

The session kicked off with @maverickfoo welcoming everyone and handing over the floor to the sponsors of the space which is Talentbank to say a few words. Ben Ho, the CEO and Founder shared that Talentbank was Talent Discovery Center that provides job placements, conducts training and events and co-working space.


Thank you Ben and Jyesmine for your generousity

Mav then proceeded to share the general mechanics of Steemit namely:-

  1. Overview of Blockchain
  2. Where does the money come from?
  4. Creating Content and Curation
  5. Upvoting and flagging
  6. Real live demonstration of upvoting and how the posts earn money
  7. Q & A


Mav in his element!

Honestly, I believe that sessions like this make a world of difference in encouraging more people to come on board the Steemit platform and understanding STEEM and cryptocurrencies in general.

  1. There were opportunities to ask questions and get them answered on the spot
  2. A ready community of newbies if there were a few people interested to start together
  3. Seasoned Steemians that they could network with
  4. Catching the spirit of community that Steemit is all about

It was amazing that so many seasoned Team Malaysia Steemians decided to turn up and support the event. We definitely livened up the place and took a heap load of photos!



Caught a selfie with the wonderful Eliza...@zord189 you photo bomber!


What is an event without these two?

The bunch of us that turned up were @bitrocker2020, @elizacheng, @aaronleang, @joannewong, @zord189, @karinzdailygrind, @williamsyee, @jikey, @kaerpediem and of course @deborism

It was a shame that so few people came that night as the massive traffic jam and the rain didn't really help. I heard that @joannewong, @aaronleang and @elizacheng spent more than an hour on the road and @zord189 took about 1 hour and 20 minutes to get there. I myself took about 1-hour plus but it was stress-free because I decided to commute on the train.

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I think we could do with a lot more people don't you?

Just thinking aloud, I know that a lot more people could have benefitted from the session. Maybe we could have "made more noise" about the event. Maybe we could have asked those who were coming to invite friends along, maybe just maybe, there was something just a little more that we can do as a community?? A few people spent precious time and effort to organise the venue and the presentation. Remember if new members come on board and create great content it benefits EVERYONE on Steemit! Thinking aloud again, was there something that we could do more formally like gauge interest and assign senior Steemians who were there to connect and assist?

I believe that an event like last Tuesday really puts a person the right footing and mindset. They are not lost and on their own. Most importantly they can come to understand what the spirit of creating great content and community is, not just the MONEY.

We all started somewhere at the beginning of our journey on Steemit...For me, I came for the money but now I stay on because of the community!

Come join us for the next one, bring a friend or two who doesn't know anything about Steemit and have a tonne load of fun! The details of the next event is as follows, Create Contents & Earn Cryptocurrency | 100degrees by Steemitup.club

What do you think? How could you support community events like this better? Do you have suggestions that you could share? I would really love to hear from you!

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So what is QUESNEY21? @joannewong and I are challenging each other to create great content for the next 21 days. Starting 26th of March and ending on the 15th of April. We needed the discipline and motivation that comes from being accountable to each other. Tell us if this is interesting to you, do you think you could benefit from your own QUESNEY 21?

Check out the other postings for this challenge:
QUESNEY21 (Day8): My Application to #thealliance
QUESNEY21 (Day7): Their Entrepreneurship Journey - Women In Business: Making An Impact
QUESNEY21(Day 6): (Simple Living Series #3:30-Day De-Cluttering Challenge Update)
QUESNEY21(Day 5): The Priority
QUESNEY21 (Day4): The Heart of A Child
QUESNEY21 (Day 3): An Analogy For Your Steemit Wallet


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