Creative Acts of Joy: A Month Long Challenge/Contest 25SBD

WP_20150510_18_53_32_Pro.jpg This is a creative act from my lil hood. I took this photo

Truthfully, I love street art (and even graffiti). But this is NOT a graffiti challenge. NOTE: DO NOT GET ARRESTED FOR THIS CHALLENGE. DO NOT SUBMIT GRAFFITI. PLZ K THNKS BAI

However this is a street art challenge.

The backround:

One day, after sweatin' and silently grumblin through another sh!t day as a retail pawn I went to the park instead of straight home. The air was fresh, the sky was percievably blue, and then I saw this image:

(let it load.. its worth the wait imo)
I decided to make it a challenge/contest. Yay?!


The Rules:

  1. Create something that can be moderatly sustainable in a place with traction in
    your nieghborhood or home that aims to inspire joy in others.
    It can be a set silly pictures, a random limmerick on a wall, free art,
    a free pop-up performance of happy/silly music,
    or a beautiful chalk mural with free flowers.

Let your imagination be your guide

  1. Take pics or video and make sure your steemit ID is visible.

  2. Resteem this post. No upvote required but we need to spread the news.

  3. Use #creativeactsofjoy and comment your entry on this post.

  4. You have less than one month to finalize. On Dec. 1 we will start judging entries

I will also give 2 SBD to the first 5 people who complete this challenge and enter.

We will use a 5 <3 scale. You will be judged on:

  1. Originality
  2. Technical quality of art/music/photog/writing
  3. Heart (meaning how much it moved the judges)
  4. Element of surprise

Highest avg hearts wins. Ties will be broken by live voting in Discord area TBD

This is open to everyone including frenemies. :D

The Esteemed Judges:


This contest has been made possible with the support of @crimsonclad and @theminnowsupportproject

If you would like to add to the contest prize please DM on discord!

have some beautifully loud gif art by @poeticsnake

Please also consider to vote for our honorary witnesses: @patrice and @followbtcnews

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