2 Months On Steemit! | How Have I Done & My Goals

It is difficult to believe that I have completed 2 months on Steemit! As they say, time really flies.

But first...

Thank You!

I feel that I would not have reached this far without my followers who have encouraged and supported me. I write for my followers and keep you in mind when I type every word. I am deeply indebted to you and will continue to do my best.

If you have ever commented on my post I can assure you that I have always taken it seriously and replied to them. Thanks for commenting on my posts.

To those who upvote my posts - there is no life on Steemit without votes so you are responsible for my survival on this platform and so thank you so much!

On the other hand I have upvote many comments when I found that they were useful and added value. I have learnt so much just from comments of regular steemit users. I am grateful for all the comments that I have upvote after reading them.

No words of gratitude will be complete without thanking the whales, dolphins, witnesses and regular bloggers who hold this amazing community together.

My Figures

How do I feel after 2 months on Steemit? Very excited - and that's the way I felt from day one ever since I signed up. The journey continues as interesting as ever now that I also have a bit of experience here.

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I have made a total of 548 posts which is an average of 9.1 posts per day. I have published blog posts every day maybe with a couple of days as exceptions which is fine with me since this is still a part time vocation for me.

I have 277 followers and although this may seem a bit less than figures that are flaunted by many others who completed 2 months or even just 1 month, these followers are all organically gained. I don't believe in follow-for-follow better known as F4F. I prefer organically gained followers since they follow me for my content and not for a follow only.

It amuses me to see the odd unfollow when someone sees that he has followed me but I haven't followed back.

Moreover, I started with a clean slate with no previous gang of followers brought in from some other social network. Although I could have done that but I firmly believe that Steemit may not be for those who want to just pass time on Facebook or watch videos on YouTube.

My reputation score is 51.4 and you can be sure that I have experienced the algorithm by now - it becomes more difficult to gain reputation as your score increases!

As I had planned an initiative in my last goal setting I have been able to curate deserving posts of new authors to help them through the issues of the ongoing Max Curation Editions. Most of the editions could have done with more visibility. Hopefully with more posts, an increasing number of followers and a rising reputation my posts should get more visible.

The biggest challenge remains getting visibility for posts as even the most popular of them disappear after a few hours, never to be found again using tags. If I have to see where my post is I have to scroll deep down in the tags feed and I usually find it after a fee minutes.

Goals For Month 3

I will keep posting regularly and try to have 2 posts up on some days. I have only a few hours in which I can create posts. Since I don't like putting out short posts of a few lines or with a single photo it does take time to create good posts which are worthy of being published on a platform like Steemit. I would like my content to contribute to the high quality part of Steemit and not the trash that forms most of the feed.

I also wish to increase my follower count to 400 by the end of the third month. For this I will step up the amount of commenting and engagement, something for which I will need to devote more time.

I would have liked to have a reputation goal too but as it gets harder while going up I will leave my posts to do the work of getting me a better reputation. With more good posts and organic followers I guess the increase reputation will follow, especially if I please a few whales who could boost my posts!

I will continue helping new authors with the Max Curation Editions. I am also planning more initiatives that could make a difference in the community no matter how small it is. I would like to remain a contributing member of this community.


Month 2 was a bit underwhelming for me personally in terms of performance partly because I was not able to spend as much time on Steemit as I wanted to. High visibility continued to dodge my posts and most of them had to be boosted with the power of bots which was a bit sad. I had not intended to rely on bots for more visibility but I had to, especially due to the fact that I was trying to support new authors with my curation posts.

Without the help of boosters I wouldn't have been able to get any of my posts seen at all. I hope to have better months ahead especially since I am a regular poster and in it for the long term.

Wish Me Luck!

Thanks for reading my post. Please upvote and resteem it so that it can provide some inspiration to others. Feel free to comment below.

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