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The Digital Lair Network is back on Discord! Focussed on Altcoins, Technology, Archiving, Cooking, Prepping, Art and Gardening.

Are you looking for a friendly group of Steemians to conversate with? Join the discord server with some of the best minds on Steemit! Come and advertise your posts, chat about gardening, robotics, programming, games, art and fun topics in the general chat! @Papa-Pepper, @ubg, @applecrisp and others are waiting for you to join some of the most advanced and positive conversation online.

The Digital Lair's Biblical Inspiration
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." - Philippians 4:8

Here is a list of the channels so far.
General, Christianity, Steemit-Golos-Posts, Music-Videos, Cooking, Agriculture-Business, Games, Toys, RC, Coding, 3d-Printing, Ink-and-Laser-Printing, Gridscale-Renewable-Energies, Medical, Education, Cyberpunk-Apocalypse-Survival, Financial-Opportunities, Extreme-Sports, Virtual-Reality-Simulators, Hacking-Warez-Darknet, Paradise-Resort-Ideas, Waterfalls-and-Forests, Treehouses-and-Architecture, Charts-and-Trading, Bunker-Building-and-Prepping

A History of the Digital Lair Network

The DLN was founded by Noganoo in 1999 as a private warez trading community and was hosted at With the evolution of p2p and torrents the FTP web rings eventually faded away. I am thankful to have been involved in the warez scene at such an early age as access to enterprise level apps has helped develop who I am today. The brilliant minds in the IRC channels also encouraged me in my study of computer security and botnets. As of now I have most of the great books ever written and nearly every application I will need for the rest of my life because of my many years of archiving. Back in the 1990s freeware applications and e-books were not widely available. I would like to thank and for their extensive work on preserving the history of the world wide web and BBS.

Here is some media and command centers that inspired The Lair's creation

The original idea came from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles underground lair

And some of the People. Steve Wozniak, Eric Corley (Emmanuel Goldstein of 2600 Magazine), Kevin Mitnick and John Draper (Creator of the first word processing application.)

Some of the original logos created by Quazar, Phrexia, Kevin VanWychen and myself

Animation created by @ubg

At the Digital Lair Network everyone will be treated with gentleness, love and respect.

Join us Now

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