As you may know, there are things that @papa-pepper has a hard time with.

It is amazing how steemit can connect people so rapidly. Of course we are now part of a global community that can interact instantaneously with one another 24 hours a day no matter where we live, but it is also helping people with both similar and different interests to meet up in person. After attending three separate meetups in two different states so far, I've me a lot of different steemians in mass get-togethers. This has been incredible. However, I've been meeting some steemians individually or as families along the way too.

Last night the @papa-pepper tribe enjoyed both lunch and dinner with @dwells and @essentailoilmom. It was such a refreshing and enjoyable time for all of us. You can check out their posts on our meeting by following these links. (As newer memebers of the steemit community, please encourage and welcome them if you have not done so already.)

So how exactly did we all meet up and what "hard time" was I helped with?

Well, two weeks back I began Season 6 of my Wild & Strange Contest. Last Sunday, when I was attempting to chose a winner (which is very tough for me) I came across this entry from @dwells.

I thought that this was a really and strange entry, so I went over to his profile to check out who this guy was. Was this a photo of him? Was this photo from another post, or did he take it for the contest? Not that any of those things mattered, the photo was a valid entry, but I was curious.

Upon reaching the homepage of @dwells, I noticed that his location was "Northwest Arkansas." This meant that he was somewhere in my general area. As I scrolled through his recent posts, this image came up in one of his posts.


Interestingly enough, he had photographic evidence of hanging out with @mericanhomestead. He was not alone in this.

My post

I too had recently hung out with @mericanhomestead (because we met on steemit - more steemians connecting in real life). So, not only did @dwells have an amazing entry to my contest, he also lived somewhere around me and had met up with another steemian that I had met. Very interesting!


@Dwells and @papa-pepper began talking in chat, and on Saturday night it was decided that we were coming over on Sunday. We enjoyed a wonderful time of getting to know one another, as did our wives and children. We also were blessed with eating two meals together... but that's not all.

It gave me a chance to have the winner from the last round of my contest be an "in person" guest judge for the current round of my Wild & Strange contest. We talked, laughed, ate, and discussed. Just look at some of the incredible artwork that steemians created using the winning photo from @dwells as inspiration.

Yeah, it is a lot of work to choose only one winner to use in the next round, and I really have a hard time with it every week. But, because of the openness of other steemians and the incredible community that we have, I was able to have @dwells help me out in person.

Of course the contest deadline was midnight CST last night, so there were still about five hours left to enter last night after our meeting. A few incredible pieces of artwork were submitted after we met up too, like these two from @fubar-bdhr.

I'll give a call to @dwells later today and we will make our final decision. Later today, I'll show you all who won and start the next round. In Round 3, all people have to do to enter is turn whichever piece of art wins into a meme, so keep your eye out for that and your chance to win 50 STEEM.

I was also able to do an interview with @dwells, which I will post in the upcoming days. It is always interesting to hear the story of another steemian. He shared some pretty interesting information about his winning photo entry, and what he did with his winnings from the contest too. Keep your eye out for that post!

Speaking of meeting up with other steemians, it looks like I might be dropping by @xtrodinarypilot and his family on Tuesday night. The @papa-pepper tribe will be driving across the eastern part of Texas on our way to visit family near the border of Mexico. We usually made the trip on a yearly basis from Wisconsin to Texas, but we have not gone in a few years. On the way down and on the way back, we may stop in and meet a few steemians, so if you are somewhere in eastern Texas, please let me know and we will see how it works out.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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