Quinn's Quality Content Curation ~(~Q2C2~)~ Episode 3


I am proud to release this new episode!

I was really inspired to start this project as I stated in my project launch episode.  

So I won't repeat myself here, but if you didn't see it please check it out, as I explain why this project is important to me and how it helps Steemit grow! Also, there are some really quality posts in there which you may have not seen but would WANT to!

So far this project is a great success. I have gotten positive feedback from people saying that they felt the posts were of great value and many of them were not seen. I have also gotten feedback that the format is very well done, easy to read and enjoyable. So I really appreciate the feedback as this project is specifically dedicated to helping the Steemit Community as a whole. 

I again read at least 50 posts today and probably closer to 100. There are SOOO many posts out there and I of course only read a FRACTION of them. To me this makes this project all the more important. It is obvious that NO one has time to read all the good posts or even check out all the posts that MIGHT be good. 

So with this project it is my hope people will have enough confidence in my selections to give them serious consideration, as I select them from a hundred posts made by quality authors already. I spend at least 3 hours a day if not more reading posts and making notes and then over an hour composing these episodes. On top of that, in this project, I make sure to give "valid" reasons why this post is worth reading; you can decide to read them or not depending on if my reasons appeal to you.  

So here we go with today's edition with 8 NEW Quality Posts! 

First up we have a post from a well established and very successful Steemian @dragonslayer109 titled Improve your Writing (Showing vs. Telling). 

I am recommending this post first because:

  1. This very clearly and simply shows a BIG upgrade to writing almost any type of article.
  2. It's good for beginners.
  3. It's good for seasoned Steemians.
  4. There are few things that will benefit your success on Steemit more than improvements to writing. 
  5. @dragonslayer109 has been helping improve this community for a very long time. 

Check it out!

Next up on the list is a very valuable post to anyone involved in crypto (basically any of us) especially noobs by another seasoned and successful contributor to our community @hilarski. It is titled Do Not Fall For Bitcoin HYIP (High Yield Investment Programs). Newbie Warning! 

This post is a MUST read for anyone who has not heard about and or been educated on this topic. We are all dealing with crypto now, and it's important that we profit and succeed rather than be taken advantage of. This post is a great example of how we can help each other succeed and GROW together as a community!

Check it out!

Next up is another post I found on potential dangers of crypto trading by author @adnanefs titled My Bitcoin is gone! Sneaky virus story...

This post is worth reading because:

  1. It tells a personal story which brings attention to a much broader danger: there is always a danger of being hacked or having a virus steal your funds with NO recourse when dealing with crypto. This is very dangerous and relevant for us all. Only vigilance and responsible awareness will safe guard us. 
  2. If you are already experienced and vigilant, there isn't anything you will learn. If not, be sure to give it a read. 

Check it out!

Next up is an article authored by @an0nkn0wledge titled "A Shift Of Power: Russia and China Finalize Moves To Replace U.S. Dollar As World Reserve Currency"

This post is a must read because:

  1. It is a topic that influences the WHOLE world, especially Americans. 
  2. It is a topic I have been monitoring for a long time, as I knew it was inevitable and very influential. 
  3. It is ESPECIALLY important for anyone into crypto, as it hints at the future of crypto in mega power countries. 
  4. A very well done article which everyone should be educated on providing plenty of sources. 

Check it out!

This next post is from author @haphazard-hstead titled "Free Hotel Salad - Wild Style! -- Four wild plants and a great salad!"

This article is worth reading because:

  1. It is very inspiring to see someone take sustainability and wild foraging seriously and have such great success. 
  2. It's really important to support people living so responsibly and sustainably!
  3. The photos are great. 
  4. There is lots of education knowledge provided.
  5. Very entertaining even if you don't ever try wild foraging or care to. 
  6. This guy is legit and has been creating really original and highly honorable content for a long time. 

Check it out!

Next up is a post by @luzcypher and the title is "Steemit Open Mic 41 - Record Your Performance On Your Phone, Enter And Win Steem - Sponsored By @pfunk And @luzcypher"

This post is worth reading because:

  1. @luzcypher has been really dedicated to the success of the Steemit community since day 1. 
  2. Who doesn't love music? Plus this is music exclusively by Steemians!
  3. This just may be the best event we have going in the Steemit Community. 
  4. I feel the potential of this event is there to bring in a LOT of new users. 
  5. If you haven't heard of it DEF check it out. 
  6. If you have please support it and upvote some of the artists. I have been participating regularly myself. 

Check it out!

Next up we have a post by the man himself @papa-pepper titled "PAPA TRAVELS - WHY I BUY MY TEETH IN MEXICO"

This post is worth reading because:

  1. There are few who do more for our community than @papa-pepper.
  2. His posts set a very high standard for old and new Steemians alike to learn from.
  3. All his content is SUPER original.
  4. This post is quite entertaining
  5. This post also has some good knowledge tried and proven by papa him self!

Check it out!

Last, but certainly not least, for our finale we have a post by @firepower titled "I Donated $1300+ Of My Income Earned On Steemit Last Month and This is My Mid-2017 Donation Update!"

This post is worth reading because:

  1. The title says it all, he donated $1,300+ of his earnings from Steemit. 
  2. It's great to see people helping people. 
  3. It's great to support people who support people and the success of this community!

Check it out!

Well that wraps up todays edition of Q2C2. Its obvious there is enough quality content every day to make this post every day. I will continue to make every day that I have the hours to read and curate all this content. Its a huge job but feel its really worth while and get a lot of fulfillment out of it. 

As always, I welcome feedback and appreciate support~*~


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