Damanhur - con te * The 8 Miracle of the World or the amazing art and eco-community in Piedmont, Italy [Part 1]

When you travel, you face things you have not seen before. The way different people live, their art, the language they speak - everything surprises you with its novelty. But there are times when you come across something that in many ways exceeds your understanding of the world you live in. Today I ask you to join me in my trip to one of such places in Piedmont, Italy. The place called The Federation of Damanhur (or more often called Damanhur).

The Hall of the Earth. The Temples of Humankind in Damanhur, Italy.
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Note to the title: Сon te (for one person) or Сon vio (for 2 or more) - a greeting, something like “welcome”, used when meeting Damanhurians (as the residents of the community call themselves).

Well, welcome to Damanhur!

One of the doors in the community house. Damanhur. Italy
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Damanhur: love at first sight

Several years ago, going on a trip to Milan, I accidentally came across an article about this place. And BOOM, even before having been there, I fell in love with this beautiful place! It was hard not to do it while looking at this incredible Art project pictures, a huge part of which created UNDER ground by thousands of people thought several decades.

The Temples of Humankind Plan. They are buried 30 metres underground with total area about 6 thousand cubic meters. The height is comparable to the height of a modern 11-storey building.
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After this first introduction it was a visit there, an excursion through the territory of the community, acquaintance with the principles on how do they live, as well as the unforgettable visit to The Temples of Humankind. In the meantime, before me were lying pictures of a place of amazing beauty, which can be seen only in a dream. By the way, according to the Damanhurians it is how it all happened, but we'll talk about it more details below. For now, lets just enjoy some of the photos.

The Hall of the Earth (upper part). The Temples of Humankind. Damanhur. Italy
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The Hall of the Earth (lower part). The Temples of Humankind. Damanhur. Italy
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The Hall of the Earth (the ceiling). The Temples of Humankind. Damanhur. Italy
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The house which hides the Entrance to the Temples of Humankind. Damanhur, Italy.
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That time just by looking at them, I was ready to believe in either a story, or a legend happened in the distant 80's. Someone wrote an anonymous memo to the authorities that illegal construction was going on in the community territory (which in fact was the building of The Temples of Humankind as Damanhurians kept it in secret for many years). The story states that the police officers and the prosecutor after they saw what was an illegal construction could not destroy such beauty. Furthermore, they were also imbued with the amazing philosophy of Damanhurt becoming one of the first public protectors of the place.

Later the fact of the existence of such a unique place was announced to the broad public, which ultimately not only "saved" The Temples from destruction, but also attracted a huge number of talented people, thanks to whose efforts we can today. contemplate its full beauty

Popollo Spirale - a spiritual association, which includes not only residents of Damanhur, but also anyone who wants to develop the principles of unity in the world
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Knowledge is power! Armed with knowledge, I gently slide into blind love to Damanhur

Always believing in the phrase "knowledg is power" before my trip I read about this place everything that was available on the Internet. And at this very moment, probably, my blind love has developed even more. Well, think about it when you read such interesting facts about Damanhur. For example, this one - the place is filled with amazing power as it stands at the intersection of 4 !! energy meridians of the Earth, and that there are only two of humanes on Earth - Damanhur, and Tibet.

Or here is enouher fact: during the construction of the temple, its founders took into account the structure of one of the underground temples which existed in the ancient city Damanhur near Cairo, where the high priests were trained in the times of Ancient Egypt. Furthermore, that the name itself in translation means "Abode of Horus", for a moment of one of the supreme gods of Ancient Egypt! That the design of the 9 temple halls reflects the structure of human personality and its connection to the universe. .

Or the fact that its founders wanted The Temples to become the embodiment of human history with every detail carried a meaning, linking so many aspects together … So what would you do if you were such a romantic person that I am ? Plus, I have studied many spiritual practices for a long time and for my mind to imagine just a combination of these factors already meant a lot!

Modern priest and priestesses during one of the celebrations next to the statue of Horus.
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And now let's add here some more mysterious fog on the already attractive place for a romantic traveler. For example, that the founder of the community, whom everyone calls Falco ( Oberto Airaudi) saw the temple in a dream and that he believed that the construction of this Temple is his mission on Earth. Although some people say he saw it from his journey to a past life.

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The Entrance to the Hall of the Labirints
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Or the fact that the Damanhurts assure that they have the secret of movement in time and that there is a time machine on the territory of the complex, which they repeatedly declared publicly. Now, though all this information for some reason has disappeared from the most open sources, in some it still remains.

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"The Time Machine". You can read about experiments by clicking on the source link.
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Add to this fact also the newest absolutely oddly shaped objects, which, according to the inhabitants of the community, are capable of treating people with various diseases, attracting the right events, beneficially influence the spaces, and some even provide communication with nature and wildlife. How do you like this?

The instrument called Selfica. The example of a personalized Selfica that his owner can use to attack synchronic events to achieve his/her goals.
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Selficas used for healing
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In short, my trip in my understand should become one of the greatest journey I have ever made. And I, as a true romantic, went to a meeting with Damanhur and its inhabitants with great expectations. In my next article I continue the story of this romance along with giving some more interesting photos and facts about the territory, The Temples of Humankind and the community. I hope to see you soon.

Much blessings and love,

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If you are like me and are interested in important things in life please be free to join me in my journey of Listening to the silence Part 1: Why is it important to take time for yourself?

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