Sndbox End of Year Review: The Sndbox 2018 Roadmap [Pt. 5 of 5]


Sndbox is a Steemit incubator for creatives and communities. We utilize the Steem blockchain to empower impactful projects worldwide.

Welcome to Part 5 of our End of Year Sndbox review!

We finally made it! Today, we’ll present the last installment of our End of the Year Review at Sndbox. It’s been very productive and rewarding to look back on our growth, reevaluate ideas, and project a stronger future for the incubator network going forward. So today, our focus will be on the roadmap for 2018 and the milestones we’ll strive to achieve in the coming months.

If you would like to read the previous posts, here are the links -

Part 1: Sndbox Overview
Part 2: Curation, Financials, and Growth
Part 3: Workshop, Meetups, and Incubation
Part 4: Hubs, Projects, and Foundation



Now that Sndbox has a strong community and a larger Steemit audience, there are some major goals we want to set out for 2018.

  1. Register and launch The Sndbox Foundation. To more officially integrate and support non-profit work around the world being done by Steemit members and outside institutions, the Sndbox team will launch a Foundation. Creating an official non-profit in New York will give us the standing to tap into other existing organizations and begin official collaborative programs with them to integrate the Steem blockchain. We believe one of the best opportunities for Steemit is to prove its impact with in-need organizations such as non-profits, charity causes, and other “for-good” initiatives.

  2. Integrate more institutional collaborations. Just as we’ve done with Temple University (Philadelphia) and Herbert von King Park (New York), we’re already in the works to bring on more impact projects that will hopefully open the door for more official Steemit integration. In the coming months, we’ll be establishing and presenting more of these projects in the educational and development sectors.

  3. Launch a Beta version of the “BLDGBLOX” application. We’re excited to start presenting what we’ve been working on over the last few months. We just registered the @bldgblox account, which will be used as the backbone for our upcoming interface that we will integrate with Smart Media Tokens. Without getting into too much detail, BLDGBLOX will be an exploratory platform for kickstarting physical projects, discovering Steemit events and campaigns. Be sure to follow the @bldgblox account for near-future announcements!

  4. Begin a rotating incubator program. The Sndbox incubator has been successful in integrating almost 100 new and existing users into a strong community of dedicated content creators. In order to extend Sndbox to more Steemians in the future, we’ll be beginning 2018 with a new rotating program that creates the first Steemit ‘campus’ environment with rotating core members and an alumni population. We’ll present a more robust and multi-faceted program plan next week.



  1. Create a program for the #sndbox Communities feature. Communities will help provide more avenues for Steemians to take advantage of Sndbox resources. We will be taking advantage of the added functionality to create Steemit-wide programs and mobilize more individuals.

  2. Launch our SMT. SMTs will be an incredible vehicle to bring in purposeful Steem users across all disciplinary spectrums. Our mission is to tackle the design and development sector, allowing great projects to use our SMT and Steem to make their ambitions a physical and sustained reality. Regardless of when SMT systems are actually offered this year, we’ll be preparing our distribution strategy and supporting applications until then.

A big THANK YOU to all Steemians

As we close out this week of reflection and projection just before the holidays, we want to take this last moment to express our deep appreciation for all of those who have worked with and supported us during these past 5 months. We really couldn’t have come this far without the Steemit community and we believe that with your support and engagement, we’ve been able to start impacting the real world with our dedicated blockchain.

As you can see in our 2018 roadmap, we’ll be trying to accomplish bigger things in the months to come. As always, we encourage and welcome your engagement, critique, and feedback so we can make our program and presence more productive.

Let’s keep the ball roll’n right through 2018!! Steem on!

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