Meet The Blogger Central Steemians #5 - @asianetwork

Blogger Central Steemians #5 - @asianetwork

As part of or community outreach we're launching a series of interviews with our members.

This week we talk to an International Business School student in China, @asianetwork .

How about a quick introduction?

Hi, I'm Reena. K, currently living in China. I'm a business student in International Business School of Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU). I am 24 years old.

What are your thoughts about Steemit so far?

Steemit is a growing blogging community, currently i felt that it serves as a great platform to blog or read information about cryptocurrencies because it gathers the information and experience from real people who are into this cryptocurrency phenomena. So this platform caters to people who are into this kind of stuff. The categories definitely grow, I have see more and more Chinese writers on board, the Koreans seem to have a strong community in Steemit.

I felt most of the Steemit users have one common interest, crypto, which makes this blogging platform different from Blogger or Wordpress because the interface is different too.

Did you have any experience with cryptocurrency before Steemit? Is it a big topic at your university?

Not me, but my dad. He was into crypto about a year before I started Steemit. I don't think anyone knows about Steemit in my university yet besides my friends. 

Regarding Cryptocurrency, we did recently visited the Fintech Musuem in Beijing and got to know some brief introduction and history on BTC. And yes we all know about cryptocurrency but because it is not legal in China, talking about it is done hush hush, not openly. It has never been discussed in our classes so far.

Do you think there is a future for cryptocurrency in China?

Of course there is. Electronic payment system is part of our lives here. We are already paying with our phones with Alipay and Wechat wallet. It is just a matter of time of when the big players of the chinese market create something in the crypto market of China. The main reason of the ban is the Government want to control the country's outflow of capital. Because to be honest, there are some Chinese people that are extremely rich that would exploit crypto trading for tax invasion and money laundering. I would say, the nearest possibility for people within China to use/trade cryptocurrency is the crypto trading platform has to comply to the strict rules and laws of the Government. How exactly? I'm don't know how to explain in words.  But I'm certain there will be a future for cryptocurrency in China.

Moving on, tell us about some of your favorite things to do in China.

Good question. I'm so busy every day I barely took time for myself actually. 

- Taking a stroll in the park. The park that I always go whenever I have the time is the Purple Bamboo Park near my school.

- Scroll Taobao (online Shopping) millions of stuff there. 

- Read a book - Call my parents, they are not in China. 

- have coffee with friends and chat, no more than 2 hours. It's funny because most of our chat is related to business ideas, latest news, finding out about each other's culture. Perks of being an International Business Student. 

- Scroll Steemit, I like being part of a community and this place has become my classroom to learn about cryptocurrency. 

- Working out and drink a cup of Chinese Tea afterwards. It feels like therapy to me.

I live under a tight budget considering I'm still a student. So I don't go to Clubs or bar hop because to me it's a waste of time and asset.  I rather spend time on things that brings positive results.

What made you decide to study at BFSU?

Opportunity. My previous university where I studied my associate degree for 3 years did not offer me to continue my bachelor degree due ta a lousy Public University intake system.  I worked for almost a year as an English teacher to primary school students. During that year, I was hungry to achieve and I know China is a rising Giant of the world economy, and we have to admit that. If they slow down, it affects the world; if they progress, it also affect the world. While I was teaching and trying out different business on my weekends and free time, my dad's friend who owns a private school suggested me to  study International Business in Beijing, plus BFSU is a well known university in China, why not then? So I gave it a shot and did not regret. It changed my life.

If you could travel to anywhere where would you go and why?

Tough question, I want to travel but I miss my parents at the moment. Given the option to travel with loved ones, I would go to Japan. Something about Japanese culture triggers the curiosity in me. 

What can we look forward to from @asianetwork on Steemit?

More quality post, more about life in Bejing, and hopefully more pictures and videos.There are lots of stuff that I could write because this place is full of culture and innovation at the same time. Perhaps more on my freelance work too. Whatever I write will  depend on my personal growth. 

Anything you'd like to say in closing?

Young people in university should start learning and invest in cryptocurrency because the world is getting tougher as time goes by. It is better than going to the movies every week, or spending time on Facebook. Because by the time they graduate and work, they will need to sacrifice more time and energy to learn from 0. I'm not saying Cryptocurrency is always the solution to financial freedom, but learning about it requires discipline that would also cultivate a person's ability to make decisions.

Check out @asianetwork 's latest post here:


Thank you very much to @asianetwork for agreeing to this interview. Please head over to her page, give her a follow, upvote and re-steem!

See you next Saturday!

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