Steemitri The Mannequin thanks his 1000 followers

Hello to all my followers and non-followers!

4 months ago, I was celebrating the first 400 followers, and I promised myself to make a post once I reached the big 1000!

I am so excited and moved that I cannot make a serious post… not even a real speech, as it should.

I would like to dedicate the song “Le Mille Bolle Blu” (thousand blue bubbles) by Italian singer Mina!

One blue bubble to each follower :-)


First of all, I would like to thank the Steemit community and most of all, my followers that made everything possible!

Thanks to Lou and Dee for hosting me, for bearing with me every day… and for helping me with my mannequin-blog!

There would be many other Steemians to thank, which supported me during this entire journey... they are so many that it would be difficult to mention them all, because I’d risk to forget some.

Without you, your interactions and comments, Steemitri The Mannequin would already have abandoned the life of a mannequin-blogger to go back working in some second-hand shop, where usually end up unemployed and retired mannequins.

I decided to send 2SBD to @gianluccio for signing up as the thousandth follower (I forgive you for signing up so late, haha).

Other 2SBD go to @steferretto; he personally contacted me on “Discord” to congratulate me, but he couldn’t follow me due to the “Bandwith” in re-charging phase.

Thank you so much to everyone!!

Steemitri The "happy" Mannequin


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