Steemit Community Building: Mark Your Location on the Map and Find Local Steemit Users

Have you ever wondered if there are nearby Steemians?

This is your chance!!

In the near future you'll see my changing my focus from writing guides/faqs to community building projects and activities. I'll be making a post more about this in the next few days. But this is what I'm starting with towards this endeavor!

I've put together this map for Steemit users to place themselves on (to whatever level they feel comfortable) to help those that aren't far from each other the chance to actually hangout in real life! This will also help those of you that may have been considering organizing a Steemit Meetup!

But to start, we've got to fill out this map! I don't want anybody to feel pressured to do so, since some of us prefer not to give out their location.

Click Here to See or Add Yourself to the Map!!!

I don't recommend adding your actual address. The City alone is plenty to achieve the goals of this map.

If you want to place your location on the map, simply follow these steps.

  1. Click HERE to open the map:
  2. In the top left, hover over "Additions" and click "Add Marker - Simple" (or detailed)

  3. Fill out the form with your username and choose a location (with what ever level of specificity you are comfortable.)

  4. Press Submit

And that's it!!

This will let you easily see what other Steemians are near by! If you click on a pin, you'll see their user name and maybe even be able to start a conversation with them to move the chance to hang out in real life a little closer.

Please be remember to be respectful with this tool. This does NOT give you the right to break conventional etiquette.

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Image Sources:
Pins on Map

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