Miracle stories competition- End date 27th March (20.000 Steem up for grabs)

I want to hear the most miraculous story you can summon up!

I will give 20.000 Steem for the best story and I will judge it on the WOW factor and if appropriate will feature in a project I am working on. (Obviously with your permission)

Must be:

  • A true story
  • About yourself or connected to you (Please get permissions if relevant)
  • At least 500 words
  • No plagiarism even of your own blog post. Something new please.
  • tag #miraclestoriescomp
  • One entrant per person
  • Entries must be submitted on this post

Don't worry about your spelling....I don't care about that....I want to hear something amazing that fills our minds with hope.

Finish date: Midnight  27th March (London Time)

Good luck...........!

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