What's up, CONian warriors?
I wanted to post an updated #CON directory today as well as talk about some new potential "projects" for the network.
For those that don't know, CON (Circle of Noisemakers) is a worldwide network of Voluntaryists supporting one another when support is needed, and using our voices to make folks aware when one of our members is being harrassed by the state. Most importantly, the network is designed to be decentralized, and used autonomously and freely by each individual user. There is nothing "special" here. Just a very simple idea to help keep us safe, happy, healthy, and free.
- Introductory Post
- What will you do when Steem is SHUT DOWN?
New members.
New to the CON Network Registry are @cryptic-cynic, and @ideafarm. Welcome!
CONference Call.
Just for fun and to kind of promote the networking effect a bit, I am entertaining the idea of having a large video call featuring whomever wishes to join. Topics to be discussed are of course: VOLUNTARYISM and anything related. I'm thinking something casual and we'll just see what kind of conversation ensues. What do you guys think? If you are interested in participating in this, please let me know in the comments.
How to join the CON registry and how to use it.
It's pretty easy. Just have a look at the entries below, and post your own in similar fashion in the comments section of this post. Having an encrypted chat app is a big bonus (Wickr Me, Signal, etc), but is not necessary. A discord handle might also be useful. The network's purpose is to basically just...well...be a network and you can use it however you want. My vision is for making noise online and off, including to mainstream media, when one of our members is being harassed by the state. Also, for free and uninterrupted trade, communication, and support. Finally, I hope the network will connect people in their own local areas, as having good neighbors who care about us and our families is ultimately the best "insurance policy" there is.
I want to say thanks as well to all those who helped @cryptic-cynic last time when he let us know he was in a pinch. He was able to pay his phone bill and all the support really seemed to lift his spirits a bit. This is a perfect example of how the network can be used.
Here's the updated directory:
Name: Aishlinn
Location: Spain
Children: 3
will update.
Name: Chad Vance (@mindszai)
Locale: Meridian, Mississippi United Society of Anarcovoluntaryists
Email: Mindszai@gmail.com
Skill sets: carpentry, plumbing, esoteric studies,martial artist, creative thinker
Name: Chelsea (@chelsea88)
Location: Maryland
Occupation: physical therapy
E-mail : chelsea.english2012@gmail.com
Name: CJ King (@cryptic-cynic)
Location: Pacific northwest, USA
Email/Contact: ckx52013@gmail.com
Wickr Me App Username: crypticcynic
Name: Dan
Steemit profile: @article61
Location: Nottingham, England
Contact: cmad07@live.com or discord @article61
Skills: Truck Mechanic, Common Law, Proactive, peaceful rebel, Helping the homeless, helping @familyprotection
Name: Finnian Cornelison (@finnian)
Location: Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
Occupation: Private investigator and residential security expert
Family on Steemit: Wife (@elyce) but she does not use it. My oldest son has an account as @m1k3, but he also does not use it. Finnian also has three smaller children.
Email/Contact: finnian.cornelison@gmail.com
Wickr Me App Username: Finnian
Name: Graham Smith (@kafkanarchy84)
Location: Niigata City, Japan
Family on Steemit: @mslight2016st (wife)
Children: Son, 5 years old.
Email/Contact: voluntaryjapan@protonmail.com
Wickr Me App (preferred encrypted chat) Username: kafka7 (feel free to add me!)
Signal App (encrypted chat) Username: KafkA
Name: Herbert Holmes
Location: Vermont, USA
Family on Steemit: Working on convincing them
e-mail: herbertholmes0988@gmail.com
I don't have a Signal, but will make one for these purposes. My username will be the same as here @herbertholmes
Name: Jacob
Steemit profile: @jacobtothe
Location: USA (Pacific Northwest)
Contact: steemit.chat, @jacobtothe
Skills: draftsman, librarian, writer, proofreader/editor
Names: James
Steemit profile: @maloneyj55
Location: USA(Northeast) somewhat nomadic
Email: maloneyj12@protonmail.com
Occupation: Chasing independence and freedom through truth and personal responsibility (Just doing what I can to
Name: JB
Steemit: @jbcoin
Email: jbcoin1969@gmail.com
Location: Central Ohio, USA
Name: Jeremy
Steemit: @abolitionistjay
Location: NY, USA (for now)
Email: anarchoabolitionist@gmail.com
Signal app: Bandicoot
Occupation: (soon to be) stay at home dad
Name: Kali Ju (@kaliju)
Location: Daegu, South Korea
Family: @hannaju + son 1.5 years old .
Comm through Signal > Username: Kali
Steemit projects: @steemfleamarket (closed for winter)
Name: Matt
Steemit: @mwojteck
Location: Eastern US
Skills: Crypto miner, gold buyer, rifle building, nature / survivalist, writer and author
Name: Michael Lai (@plushzilla)
Location: Australia (for now)
Wickr Me App (preferred encrypted chat) Username: plushzilla
Signal App (encrypted chat) Username: plushzilla
Name: Mike BlueHair - @mikebluehair42
Occupation: Video Editor/Cop Watcher
Email/Contact: mikes6077@gmail.com
Youtube channel/ my primary means of making noise:
Steem: @nateonsteemit
Discord: nateonsteemit#1247
Trade: Welder
Location: DFW Texas
Other usefulness: minor first aid, handyman stuff, construction, light concrete work, light electrical.
Will update more info as needed and developed.
Name: Nick Sikorski (@nicksikorski)
Location: Saku, Nagano, Japan
Family on Steemit: wife, waiting for account to be created
Occupation : farmer over at @potager-cerfs
Email/Contact: nicksikorski@protonmail.com
Wickr (encrypted chat) Username: nicksikorski
Name: Rutchel Macabodbod
Location: Cebu City, Philippines
Family on Steemit: @gorgeousiel, @kimrene, (friends)
Student : College student
Email/Contact: chel.macabodbod@gmail.com
Username: @baebiychel
Starr (Leslie Starr O'Hara) (@lesliestarrohara)
Location: near Asheville, NC, USA
Children: daughter, 12 years old
Contact: (email) lesliestarrohara @gmail.com
Name: Todd Borho (@steeminganarchy)
Location: Nomad, currently in Malaysia
Email: steeminganarchist@protonmail.com
Occupation: Boldly attempting to survive on steem generated from writing
Name: Waqar Rather (@wa2qr)
Location: India, Kashmir
Occupation: MBA Student
E-mail : ratherwaqar1111111@gmail.com
Name: Wo'O Ideafarm
Location: Varies; typically San Francisco Bay Area (I make house calls)
Occupation: Full time activist (speaker, corruption sting operations)
Contact: http://ideafarm.com
Username: @ideafarm
IMPORTANT: Use this directory at your own discretion. This is simply a tool and not a verification of the character of every individual on the list. Though I know many of the individuals personally, you'll of course have to build trust yourself, as you see fit, and take on the responsibility of the results of connections made through this network
Thanks! Until next time, keep making noise, and don't forget to use the #CON tag in your posts!
Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DLive and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)