Unlimited Content Editing

In the Steem 19.10 release a change was included to support unlimited content editing. Prior to this change, the blockchain would reject attempts to edit content older than seven days.

Changes to posts and comments older than seven days can only be included in a block that is processed by a witness running 19.10. The transaction will also only be propagated across the peer-to-peer (p2p) network by nodes that are running 19.10.

Currently the 19.10 release has been applied to some nodes, but not all.

What this means is that if you submit a change to content older than seven days it will be delayed until a block from one of the witnesses running 19.10. There is also a slight chance that it will get rejected by the p2p network before it makes it to a witness node running 19.10, and will not make it into a block.

@roadscape (one of the Steemit developers) developed a change for condenser (PR 2826) to enable the editing of posts/comments older than seven days on steemit.com. Steemit is waiting to apply this change though until more witnesses have updated to 19.10.

Their decision to wait makes sense, since the slight potential of lost transactions as well as there being significant delays when editing old posts would likely lead to a bad user experience.

I know a lot of people are really eager to start editing old posts though, so I spun up a local condenser instance with this change applied so that people can start using it today!

There are some disclaimers though:

  • This site is "use at your own risk". I do not guarantee that anything will work or that the site will be error-free.
  • The pull request for the change has not been fully tested/approved and merged into the official repository yet. Based on this, there are risks with using it.
  • Image uploads do not work via the site. If you want to use images, you will need to upload them through a different interface (such as steemit.com or imgsafe.org) and plug the URL of the image into the post.
  • When you submit a transaction to edit an old post, it may take up to a minute to process.

Based on the risks, it is highly encouraged that you:

  1. Only use the site to edit old posts.
  2. Backup a copy of your post before you make any edits, so that you can rollback if needed.
  3. Save a copy of the new version of your post before submitting, so that if the transaction fails you don't lose all your work.

Users who are using the site should ONLY login with their private posting key. Do not login with your master password or active/owner keys. To get your private posting key, go to your wallet permissions tab:

Ok, with that fun stuff out of the way - here is a link to the site:

I have tested it and confirmed that you can edit posts older than seven days :)

Have fun and let me know how it goes.

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