An Ex-Smoker´s Confession: It Was Chic, Cool And Glamorous

It´s been six months that I haven´t touched a cigarette now.

To quit smoking was probably one of the most difficult challenges I´ve ever faced in my life.

It was definitely easier to start than to stop.

Juvenile Temptations

I was 16 years old when I smoked my first cigarette. 

It was as essential accessory of a photo shooting, a fashion item, something nobody worried too much about.

If I knew that this little something was supposed to have such an impact on my future wellbeing, I swear I hadn´t ever touched it. 

But we were young and innocent. 

Now we are young-at-heart but wiser :)

Smoking is probably the most unnecessary activity of all.

There was a time smoking cigarettes was supposed to be an elitist accessory. Just remember the fifties. There were no role models without tobacco: Politicians, high society members,
actors in front or behind the camera, presenters, hosts, men and women of all ages.

It was chic, glamorous, fancy, cool, sociable and recommended to practice everywhere at any time. It was.

With time comes knowledge. 

Nowadays we are quite aware of the dramatic long-term consequences smoking is able to cause. Fortunately, more and more restrictions are applied in this context: smoke ban at public places, advertisement restrictions, etc.

It´s probably one of the few areas where I absolutely appreciate regulations.

After uncountable efforts to quit, frustrating fall-backs and repeated attempts I finally managed to find a way out of the dusty cloud. 

Here I am, healthier and happier than ever. 

So: don´t. Don´t try to be chic like that. It´s not :)

Marly - 

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