Is There A Whale War Going on In Steemit?


As I was checking my replies on my latest post about Dan and Satoshi, I noticed that Dan's comment was greyed out. When I checked the flags, there were 11 of them. Then I checked Dan's comment page and noticed that his comments are all being flagged by the same accounts and are also greyed out:


I don't know what's going on, whatever is, there has to be a way to resolve such things. Dan's comments are clearly not abusive or spammy in any way, so they don't deserve the flagging.

The presence of unresolved issues is obviously creating discord, and there has to be a different way for us to resolve them. Do we have any professional conflict resolution specialists in here?

I think Steemit needs a conflict resolution specialist now.

Real communities have them. When I visited an ecovillage, there was a sign underneath the phones that read:

Call Timothy if you're having a dispute you cannot resolve on your own.

Disputes are common in smaller communities. I think it's time we paid attention to getting disputes resolved. This could save a lot of conflicts moving forward.

Any volunteers?

I'm noticing a big vulnerability in the design of Steemit: whale wars and no way to resolve conflicts. Is there really no way to work out differences so far in Steemit? I think we are better than this, but clearly, I don't know what the crux of the problem is, so I have no way of judging this situation. But I'm noticing it, and it doesn't look promising right now.

Speaking of flags, I will continue to flag one individual who has done enough harm to people for 5 lifetimes and who has basically abandoned the Steemit community.

I say we all get out our frustrations, then make up, sing kumbaya and watch this video that no one will ever be able to un-see:


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