Apologies; Yes this is a long post but it basically summarizes one hundred years of world history,so it is probably fairly short : )
Firstly the idea of a NWO =New World Order is simply implausible. Things happen for strange reasons, our planet now has 7 billion people, some three billion souls live quite advanced lives using technology and communications. So yes while these are those who believe our banks are controlled by virtually one super bank or certain races control the media etc. To suggest this is to some grand design plan is ridiculous . . .
Bad **it happens and people need someone to blame it is psychology not reality, crazy **it happens and it is a conspiracy. Recently a very famous sports person died in an alleged accident involving a boat, I say alleged because who can say what ? Apparently this man was very talented but it seems not famous enough to become subject to a conspiracy theory. Generally you cannot involve figures in a conspiracy unless they are famous because the majority of people will just fail to pay any attention to the accusations.
So let us imagine such an NWO actually existed, this group would have to be large enough to control and supervise dozens of different departments simultaneously in over a dozen nations. This group would need at a minimum hundreds if not thousands of members, keeping secrets in such large groups is virtually impractical. Even if such a NWO really did exist they would have the power to kill anyone who was likely to reveal them, this would mean anyone with any way to discover them would be dead even if they got close. This would make the perfect suicide plan, simply no one could ever offer proof ! ! !
Thus it is impractical to ever offer any suggestion of any actual NWO let us focus instead on a more likely set of events. World War One ran from 1914 till 1918, However unlike the rest of the World the United States sat out WWI until they could capitalize and profit, so while the entire World saw good reasons to fight America waited till 1917. World War II started in 1939, America did not enter WWII until 1942 (Dec 07,1941) then conveniently waited till Russia had destroyed the German armies en-mass. America pledged to fight the Japanese but reality was 75 % of effort went toward the European theater since that is where the profit lay for the United States.
While the Unites States says it sent billions of dollars in aid to Britain and England and this is true what America never reports is that all of that was ultimately paid for since America simply poached British overseas possessions that England could no longer use nor protect. This is why the United States has lots of convenient little places around the world today, they got them from the British after WWII, but of course America like to say " we the World's Policeman " and no one helps us . . .
America dragged its allies into Korea and Vietnam etc. The United States actually said in a diplomatic meeting prior to the Gulf War they would not get involved in local affairs if Iraq had interests with its neighbors. Saddam Hussein took the leap and America used its United Nations to lead the coalition of the willing. Remember the United Nations has no money, so the UN is financially (owned) supported by rich countries. When someone is paying your rent and expenses it means you will simply do what they want, thus the United Nations is bought and paid for. . . Since America had profited so well from the Cold War United States industry told their lobbyists to tell their subcontractors to arrange new profit markets.
Lobbyists simply told the minders of the sub-contractors (Professional Politicians) to upmarket the threat of terrorism. After the success of leading the world in the First Gulf War the United States would get to lead another profitable industrial money maker. The United States President ensured there would be no issues about international crimes by ensuring laws were changed to exclude America from international law. Thus senior policy makers sent the United States to war while they created private companies to rebuild this destruction afterwards at American tax payers expense.
When most countries realized the United States could not be trusted they refused to get involved in this American money making smoke and mirrors scheme. Once America was committed the United States government needed fear to try and sell this intervention. Thus when the United States reported WMD ( Weapons of Mass Destruction) most countries simply realised this threat was not realistic and America was forced into its own little war for a dozen years that bankrupted the most economic nation on Earth.
Once American interests destroyed the local power structures this vacuum was ripe for radical groups, these groups thrived on United States policy and quickly spread worldwide including to domestic America. While the United States interests were served by these terrorists attacking foreign nations domestic terrorism was never part of the American isolationist plan.
Today the United States has created a whole mess for the entire world, today millions of refugees are suffering due to American financial interests with of course the United States saying " not our problem ". Simply put the global individualists in the pursuit of profit have created a world of radial unstable situations, so while you could suggest this is part of the plan of the NWO. The evidence does not suggest in any way such a NWO group exists this is in direct contrast to any non American public record that supports all of the above common knowledge.
So today's crazy world was simply the result of very wealthy American industrialists trying to find new ways to increase profits by manipulating events like they did with WWI, WWII, the Cold War etc. etc. This time the modern world realised The United States is not part of the solution but is actually part of the problem.
Just like the Vatican abandoning Christianity recruiting after thousands of scandals involving priests and little boys making the business decision to move into Spanish South America so society forgets these deviants. The United States plan is to try isolationism and protect itself from the radial groups it helped motivate until things stabilize and society forgets the latest American export, Global Terrorism . . .
So it is more accurate that there is no NWO, but simply the passing of an Old World Order and no clear indications of how things will be played out. Today America is a part of the international community and is already starting to be left behind by other many other nations, to suggest the way forward for the United States is more isolationism will set America back decades. Simply if in today's fast paced world if America chooses to hide in shame behind a wall the next time it peeks out at the real world it will literally be a third world nation ! ! !
This is the internet so it would be just a matter of effort to find thousands of references to support the above assertions but some fanatics will choose to just not believe even if they were to see credible evidence and other fanatics will simply refuse to try and accept an opposing viewpoint . . .
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