Why has this World gone Insane ? This Astounding 50 year old Recording certainly will Help you Understand !


Do you wonder like me why this world seemingly has gone insane ? If you are here reading this then I thank you for having taken the time to pass by and soon you might have a serous clarification to all of your questioning and concerns.

The film that I link here in this post represents for me by far the most concise and detailed explanation on the historical development of the " Illuminati " , true force for Evil in this our world, One given to us by God.

The Evil is all around us, its undeniable for those that have eyes in their head and the courage in their mind to see it.

For my part I have always tried to watch things which my intuition tells me to see, then by experience I try to see what is behind the said information. This film is just so mind blowing in its precise detail and mastery in explanation of this hugely complicated story which began with a self proclaimed " Messiah " Rabbi Sabbatei Zevi in 1666 . The very beginning and root of this machevileic story of collusion and plot against Mankind, the planet he lives on and God, was this man and the millions back then that chose to follow him !

This i am very much afraid is the sickening Truth of it !

Here Myron Coureval Fagan. an American writer in the 50,s takes us through an incredibley sinsiter and dark historical path where a small group of insiders begin a " Develish " plot to take over the world and offer it to Evil in the process !

The 911 tragedy, all these illegal wars, the refugees that are pushed on to Christian Lands, the flouride in your water, the GMO,s in your food, the Chem-trails in your air is all part of this master plan to Destroy all that is Good in the world and hand it over to Satan !

We are indeed Living the End Times as proclaimed in Revelations. We need to see it and refind our path out of their Forest of Darkness that makes us blind ! If you suffer from denialism, cognitive dissonance, stokholm syndrome on this matter then you need to break out of it and join the Human Race which screams now deliverance from all of this terror and death being pushed on us by the higher hand we do not see or want to see. But see it we must I believe, hence this post to you my fellow Steemians)

Here are some comments I took from Youtube on this film.

Justin 3 days ago
If we ALL decided to we could end all of this in a few days

Holy Lightning 3 days ago
Another one for the Record books!
This video has so much great information in it. Thank you so much for exposing these goons!!

Daniel Alexander Lugo 3 days ago
Finally a complete view of the Rothschild family... I have always said the same thing.. want to know where the source of all the problems is ?? Follow the money.. and it will always take you to the Vatican and the Rothschild family. Always.. always always.

Allow yourself to See, Hear and feel Evil ! To see it where it is and not be afraid to confront it !

But then the question remains what to do ? How can any one person truly reverse the huge cogs of evil and good which turn around all of our ears ? If indeed you have some ideas on this matter I would love to hear them below in my comment section

or maybe come join here to debate with other Steemians on this subject )




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