9/11 Do You Believe The US Government Was Involved? - An Informal Steemit Survey

I am curious to hear the opinions of the Steemit community on the question of whether a rogue element within the US government was involved with the destruction of the 3 buildings during the 9/11 attacks.

I suspect that the Steemit community is well educated on this topic and not easily fooled but let us see...

If there is a significant response to this post I will write a followup post showing a graph of the responses detailing the numbers for, against and undecided on this question. I will also include some of the best comments in my follow up post.

If there is not a significant response to this post I know I will need to address this topic in further posts.

I do not intend this post to be a representation of my opinions but I will list a few facts to get the ball rolling.

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Cui bono - For Whose Benefit?

Cui bono is a latin phrase literally meaning "for whose benefit". It is still in use today as a key forensic question for crime and identifies the motives for those crimes. Many great leaders have recognised this as a key understanding for who instigates many of the actions we see in our world.

In the case of 9/11 there have clearly been those who benefited and those who lost!

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Who Benefited From 9/11?

There were clearly those who profited in a spectacular manner from the destruction of buildings World Trade Centre 1, 2 and 7. Here are just a few people who can clearly be identified to have profited:

  • Larry Silverstein and Frank Lowe who profited from insurance policies on their newly purchased towers - the final settlement was over 4.5 billion dollars, the largest in history
  • Halliburton who profited from the subsequent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan - the vice president of the US, Dick Chaney was their former CEO
  • Those involved with the heroin industry which was waining under the Taliban but brought back to life in a spectacular way after the American occupation of Afghanistan
  • The massive American military industrial complex
  • The NSA through increased funding and control of digital data
  • The media industry who profited by repeatedly selling the fear narrative
  • The stock traders who were able to push their fraudulent transactions through in the mayhem of 9/11
  • The stock traders who were under investigation for fraud and had all the records of that investigation destroyed in building 7
  • Those companies who placed major put option stock bets on the future drop in share prices for American Airlines and others

In truth the list of those who profited is much longer. I just want to make the point that there are major corporate interests who profited enormously from 9/11!

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Who Lost From 9/11?

Although the profits created by 9/11 were enormous for the the few people who benefited, the number of people who have lost from 9/11 is much larger:

  • The people and families of those who were in the towers when they collapsed
  • The first responders and families of those who died from illnesses after 9/11
  • The people of the nation of Afghanistan - 34.66 million
  • The people of the nation of Iraq - 37.2 million
  • The people of the nation of Libya - 18.43 million
  • The thousands of young American and coalition soldiers who died during combat
  • The entire population of the Internet who now suffer significant oversight by the NSA
  • The American tax payer

Again this is not an exhaustive list. I just wanted to highlight some of the obvious losers and I would love to hear what you think!

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What Does This Add Up To?

The official narrative given to the world about who was responsible for 9/11 was that Osama Bin Laden planned the attacks from a cave in Afghanistan. The attacks were carried out by 19 terrorists with box cutters. This narrative has started to disintegrate over the years.

The official 9/11 commission report had 28 pages redacted and failed to even mention the third building that collapsed during the attacks - World Trade Centre 7. The NIST report explaining the collapse of the buildings in nearly free fall speed did not make any sense and again failed to address key points such as numerous eye witness reports of explosions within the buildings.

I can understand that to accept that the government of the US was complicit or actively involved in the murder of thousands of its citizens is appalling and forces us to reassess our entire perspective of the world we live in. To extrapolate that concept to include the enormous profits made from the 'war on terror' and the suffering of millions of people around the world is simply heart braking.

I would love to hear your opinions so I can extrapolate the sentiments of Steemians into a graph to understand how we feel about this topic here on Steemit! =)

Links for further research:

  1. 911 Trillions Follow The Money
  2. Who Profited after 911
  3. Former CIA Assest Exposes 911 Coverup
  4. 911 Truth
  5. Architects & Engineers For 911 Truth

Images courtesy of 1, 2, 3, 4.

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