Everything We Have Been Told Is A Lie - Connecting The Dots, Community Input & Gratitude! πŸ˜ƒ

This has been a very enjoyable series to write and I want to thank the Steemit community for letting me get this information off my chest! Taking the time to read the series and supporting my work has given me a lot of confidence here on Steemit. It is really appreciated and inspiring. It has been a wonderful process of teaching and being taught.

The fact that so many people from around the world can collaborate and share information on the blockchain is truly amazing! πŸ˜ƒ

In this final post of the series I wanted to take the time to summarise the main topics in the series knowing that I have attempted to justify my position in the individual posts. I hope this won't be too repetitive and I have tried to summarise only the main points. It has been great to be able to cherry pick some of the best responses to each post as they often have interesting additional information.

This is the tenth and final post of my series Everything We Have Been Told Is A Lie and this is also a wonderful opportunity for me to thank those who have supported me most because without them perhaps this might not have happened! πŸ˜ƒ

Links to the other posts will be provided at the bottom.

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The sad truth is that our education system is not there to teach and enlighten us. It has been hijacked and is now to a large extent dictated to by financial interests. This happens through several methods including donations by trusts, scholarships, grants and the revolving door between business and education. In the end we are taught how to work within systems not what the systems are and how they control us!

The entire education system in the west has become a revenue stream from loans to students which in many cases can lead you into debt for many years. In the past a bachelors degree was enough, now when everyone has a bachelors degree the value of degrees has been eroded. Students must then take on more debt to achieve higher degrees.

I can personally attest that the quality of what is being taught in our education systems is rubbish. If they were really educating us then everyone would know all the information contained in this series - because it is the truth. If even a quarter of the population understood the manipulation and economic slavery we live under then it would be impossible for a few small families to control us. This is the greatest and saddest indictment of our failed education systems!

Two excellent comments from my post on this subject came from @rollingthunder:
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Essentially I feel these days it is not worth going to university! Get into Steemit and crypto instead! πŸ˜‰

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The media is intricately involved in the mass control of our societies. It is education for the masses and is incredibly influential in shaping the viewpoints of the people. What is rarely discussed is the massive consolidation of the media industry into the hands of a very few people with huge conflicts of interests.

The media fills our minds with junk which makes it harder to free our minds and access the truth. I have not watched television in years as I feel it rots my brain which irritates me. I don't care about what is hot in the media as I know it is all a manufactured falsehood to distract us and make money.

As with the education industry the biggest and saddest inditement of the media industry is that it does not tell us any of the core truths relating to our economic enslavement. Real mainstream journalism is just a corpse now!

There were some great comments in this post but I really enjoyed this one by @nashwildcard:
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I highly suggest you turn your televisions off!

OUR Food!

In many ways the corruption of our food system is the most urgently shocking truth for some people because it is such a daily part of life. Almost the entire food system has been purchased by big corporations in the West. Small organic producers have been pushed to the sidelines or bankrupted but "organic" produce by the corporations now takes a significant space in supermarkets and commands a premium price.

The food we are being fed has become more genetically modified and increasingly dangerous. Our education and media systems do little if nothing to educate the population on the health risks of our food. As we get sicker we are perfect fodder for our corrupt medical system which is governed by the same financial interests.

I enjoyed this comment by @vickiebarker:
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Try to eat as much raw, organic vegetables and fruits as you can. Meat and packaged products are often full of harmful chemicals. Either grow your own or get to know your local supplier of organic produce - they are usually really friendly! πŸ˜‰



Yikes... our food system makes us sick and we are fed into a corrupt medical system. The medical industry is riddled with corruption. Big pharmaceutical companies are some of the most powerful corporations on the planet. Their astronomical profits are created by feeding us medicines which treat the symptoms of the illness but don't cure it and by forcing us to take mandatory chemicals like vaccines! I have witnessed this medical corruption first hand and you can read about my experiences in my previous post.

This corruption runs deep. Doctors, Education Institutions, Politicians, the Media and our minds are all being corrupted by this industry who's sole purpose is to control our medicine and profit from us. In light of the fact that many of the clients are being fed there by the poisonous food we are being sold, it seems only logical that they would merge as in the proposed merger of Bayer and Monsanto.

After all they are different arms of the same business!

There were so many good responses that I had to choose three from @mhrose, @kiwideb and @sultnpapper:
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The only way to deal with this is to start educating yourself and reviving the ancient knowledge of herbs, health and healing. Remember the father of medicine Hippocrates said β€œLet food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” so get some good food and heal yourself! πŸ˜ƒ

A great Steemian to follow for more truthful medical information is @canadian-coconut - she rocks!



I have lost all respect for 99.99% of the politicians we have today. These creeps are the the errand boys for the money men who legitimise their illegal theft from the peoples of the world. Lobby groups and lucrative private employment after office are standard practices - and we all know it. It's putrid!

Most of these scum were already sleazy and were picked for promotion because they were deviant and could be manipulated. Pedophilia, fraud, murder, rape, drug abuse and smuggling... these are all crimes routinely committed by our politicians yet they rarely if ever go to prison. The fact that so few politicians ever speak out or do anything about the financial system that enslaves us shows that they are either totally stupid or evil scum. They have been bribed and blackmailed to do what they are told. Politics is a joke. They should be run out of office! 😑

I thought these comments were great from @drdave and @sultnpapper:
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What do we do about this? I'm not sure. Stop voting? Would that help? Maybe we need a massive citizen initiated push to get real people into politics? Corruption will be hard to fight but if we could just change the monetary system things would get better! I'd love to hear any positive suggestions that the community has to make! πŸ˜‰

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The law is ancient and has always been used to manipulate the masses by the elite. Even if you get a doctorate of law you still are not very well educated on the law and how it pertains to you. Again we see how we are taught to work within systems not understand what those systems are.

This shameful lack of public education has allowed us to be legally manipulated in appalling ways. Even the ways in which our laws are enforced are being changed without our consent through the corporatization and militarisation of our police forces. The real financial rulers of our planet never go to court, only the occasional underlings for show. You can't take the queen of England to court because they are crown courts - she owns them!

I enjoyed this comment from @frankbacon:
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Understanding the law and how it impacts you is very important. I can only suggest that you research as much as you can. A great Steemian to follow for more legal information is @dannyshine.

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OUR Money!

It has been said that money is the root of all evil and in many senses that is true. A handful of private bankers are allowed to print money out of thin air and then lend it to us at interest. We can never pay off the interest on these loans let alone the principle. This basic structure of financial slavery can be found all over the world and has been the source of wars and enormous misery for the people. All of our money is based on debt and brings suffering to the poorest of our planet.

It is imperative that we understand this truth and the fact that the majority of people don't is a shocking inditement of our education, media, politicians and law makers. They have let us down but they have done exactly what their financial masters have bribed or blackmailed them to do - increase their profits and control while enslaving and killing us!

According to a report published this year by Oxfam "eight men own the same wealth as the 3.6 billion people who make up the poorest half of humanity" 1. US debt is now over $20 trillion dollars. Who is this money owed to? The richest 8 men no doubt!

How can we continue to allow this inequity and manipulation while the poor suffer?

There were some excellent responses and I had to choose just one to post here from @jaichai:
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One further comment to the post which was sadly too long to add here but very interesting was by @martinn1017 - it is totally worth reading here!

We desperately need to change our monetary systems and free ourselves from economic slavery. Crypto currencies and Steemit are opening up fantastic new channels for liberation! Lets keep pushing them - this is our revolution! πŸ˜‰

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Connecting The Dots!

Once we understand the corruption of our monetary systems everything starts to slot into place. The few private bankers who own the monopoly right to print and distribute money that enslaves us financially have been able to buy up everything! This financial power means they now own our education system, our media system, our political systems, our food, our medicine and the laws which govern us.

All of these "industries" have seen enormous consolidation recently into the hands of a very few wealthy corporations owned by a very few wealthy families. If you follow the money trails you find everything is owned by these few people. In every one of these industries wealth is extracted from the people to their detriment and the truth hidden.

The drive to create never ending profits diverts energy away from positives and into appalling negatives. These few families who own most of our world have the right to print money and wield enormous power, but that doesn't seem to be enough. When we look at our food and medicine industries it seems clear that we are being targeted so we can be killed. I know this sounds alarmist but these policies are active and public. My research has lead me to believe that the elite are trying to wipe us out.

Now that this foundation series of posts is out of the way I can discuss some of the more interesting aspects of these topics such as secret societies, hidden history and the real agenda of our ruling elites.

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What Can We Do!

When you understand this system of corruption it is clear that something urgently needs to be done. Obviously the first thing we need to do is educate ourselves. Then educate others and in the process learn more. Disengaging from the monetary system is hard but possible. Get yourself out of debt and move into crypto currencies like I have done. Then don't get yourself into more debt by paying for substandard education and through being bullied by the law. Turn your TV off and eat well!

After we have done that there is time to breath and be healthy. Then we need to take action. Do we activate through the courts or our politicians? That is going to be tough because getting them to change laws which are favourable to them and their financial masters sounds impossible.

What we need is some kind of activism. I am against violence because that is the paradigm upon which so much misery has been already built by the financial elite. I would love to hear any suggestions that the community may have for peaceful activism and change. Any viable solution means we must work together as a human family and collaborate! πŸ˜‰

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Writing this series has actually made me feel a lot better about things. When we share and learn the truth it can only be positive. As is echoed in mottos around the world: give me liberty or give me death! Our liberty begins with education so educate yourselves and share that knowledge. You will probably feel better for doing so! πŸ˜‰

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to a group of Steemians who have really assisted me in the process of creating this series. It was their work and support that inspired and facilitated this series. The feeds of these awesome Steemians are totally worth following! Thank you so much for your support, constructive criticism, encouragement, and friendship!

@teamsteem, @canadian-coconut, @v4vapid, @ausbitbank, @fulltimegeek, @samstonehill

There were so many awesome comments to this series but I want to personally thank some Steemians who really engaged. Many read all the posts and always made excellent comments! Thank you so much I am very very grateful and I have learnt a lot from you all. Lets spread these truths far and wide! πŸ˜‰

@chron, @sift666, @jaichai, @andrewmarkmusic, @preparedwombat, @sultnpapper, @mammasitta, @reinikaerrant, @dierdyweirdy, @sversus, @jaalig, @garudi, @neo-wiza, @michaelvagas, @skyhooks, @techwizardry, @arcange, @aftabhkhan10, @aaagent, @rebeccabe, @earthcustodians, @kiwideb, @drdave, @digitalfortress, @magnata, @sauna, @sebcam, @scorpionking, @treetoptennis, @mannorvillemike, @rollingthunder, @solarsupermama, @lindsaybowes, @irfanullah, @islandliving, @theleapingkoala, @steemityourway, @oudekaas, @anarchospace, @sarahabed, @martinn1017, @tremendospercy, @dannyshine. I am sure there are a few special people I missed out and I apologise for that!

It seems amazing that as Steemians we are spread out around the world yet we can work together to collaborate for truth and liberty! Lets do more of this! Goooooo Steemit and the wonderful Steemians! Thank you! πŸ˜ƒ

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Links to previous posts in this series:

There are many links for further study in the individual posts so I have just included these two here as they are both easily accessible videos and once we understand the financial scam everything else makes sense!

Quotation source: 1. Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.

Jockey loves you All and believes You deserve to live with liberty and freedom! πŸ˜‰


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