Leaked Transcript - Secret Meeting at an Undisclosed Location - Parody


Ladies! Gentlemen!

Esteemed invitees from all elite walks of life.

I welcome you all to this exclusive expose' handled by our kind hosts - the Premium Bandit Enlightened Elder Robomasons of the Scion.

Or premium beers, if you will.

I am Warrill Bergrotheller presenting in my role as the forsaker of paths.

I am here to present to you a much overdue update to this little project that yourselves, and those dear among us who have since passed on from this life, have invested in with our hearts and our souls, and... our money.


That never gets old, does it?


Yes... its 'our' money that has been invested - and it has been put towards a worthy cause - and after at least fifteen years I finally feel that I have tangible results that we can all sink our teeth into.

But first - a reminder to all as to the problem that we are trying to solve.

Multiple pictures flick on screen:

  • of hungry children in Africa
  • of homeless people in New York
  • of a parade in Paris
  • of gun toting rebels someplace in the Middle East, and
  • a cartoon of a bunch of nondescript persons

That’s right!



People are a big problem on this planet of ours.

They run amuck, occupying our land and leeching off the fruits of our hard work, all while making lots of babies with which to further their population status.


Yes, yes... Yes I 'know' that a lot of it was "according to the master plan".

These insignificants have mostly served their purpose. In ensuring their ignorance and their submission - we had ourselves a pretty sweet deal.

Our long-standing push to destabilize our human resources in our neighborhoods though ensuring a steady flow of more eager and suitably deprived peoples from nations seeded with our little wars and chaos remain something for us all to drink to in thanks.

But the couple of decades or so have seen some important changes. Most importantly - we are getting to that point where we don't need them any more.

Dancing robots flash on screen to applause

Finally! I will soon no longer have that nosy Greta snooping around my little "farm" house and surrounding "farm" lands in Gozo. Its so hard to get good work done when you cannot trust your minions and hired help.


But enough dwelling about the problems!

Back to a cartoon of a bunch of nondescript persons

I have come with big news concerning our 'Wilting Weed' project.

A silence falls


The boom of a drum and a stop sign superimposed upon the cartoon.

That's right! We finally have our resources in place!

A similar image shows up - with less people

Population control protocols are go!

The last hundred years have been a little messy.

To retain control we know that we had to send the pests to war against each other.

On the whole we cannot say that it wasn't a success - and yes we did make a few sacrifices along the way.


However these wars only killed million and our pest population number in the billions.

More recently, we have experimented with triggering natural disasters. Again it is messy and hasn't had the impact that we truly desired.

So we went back to experimenting with controlled releasing of deadly diseases. Our most recent experiments are so subtle that they leave no possible means of being traced to a source. These shall continue to prove very useful.

But no! I find myself rambling. This will not do!

Let me get to the point so that you may all carry on with your reinvigorated evenings.

Let me now present... the 'Wilting Weed' project!

Title: Wilting Weed. Subtext: Selective Human Depopulation.

Wilting Weed, esteemed invitees.

The key to securing our dominance upon this planet forever.

Switches to an image of four circles intersecting, their intersections darker-shaded.

The concept is simplicity itself. I could even explain it to the dull average among them and they'd eventually understand what’s going on - and so I have no doubt that you fine invitees won't need me to explain this twice.


If I were to ask each of you to hold your breath for five minutes then you would think that I'd gone mad. If you were forced to hold your breath for that long then you would find it unpleasant, you would pass out - and a hazard to your health and life would be very real possibilities.

Any volunteers?

Silence with an uncomfortable chuckle here and there

I didn't think so... But!

If I were to ask you to hold your breath for five minutes over the next hour - that'll be much easier and safer. After all, you would only need to hold your breath for 15 seconds every 5 minutes to achieve this.

Now, what if I told you that we can do the precise same thing to help us to not only survive but also thrive while the pests numbers dwindle and dwindle until there is little left of which to concern ourselves?

If we were to hold our breath for 15 seconds every 5 minutes for an hour while they couldn't breath for a full five minutes - our survival is not only far more likely - but practically assured.

Now how do I apply this to 'Wilting Weed'?


The simple answer is that I layer my approach.

All those annoying pests who have whiffed trouble in the air have one thing in common - they are too infatuated with the individual pieces to ever place serious thought into how they all fit together. And then they fall flat on their faces when useful idiots point out that we wouldn't want to kill ourselves...


I 'love' them for it!





Laughter subsides

Through a layered approach from the sky to the earth we can bring about circumstances that much greater affect some parts of any population while leaving us more or less unscathed.

Of course, at the end of this address I'd encourage you to schedule a visit from my assistant, Julie who will be kind enough to stop by to provide a full verbal list of guidelines for but a modest visitation fee. Through her you may also subscribe to a Wilting Weed mitigation pack designed specifically to counteract the effects of 'Wilting Weed' exposure. Sign up for a full year and we'll forego the visitation fee.

We cannot risk word getting out. It would jeopardize 'Wilting Weed' and our investments.

As you can imagine, we really do not want that to happen - and while you are all greatly esteemed here, for the sake of all that has been worked for a loose tongue will quickly change that.


Do 'not' share any of this with your family and friends. If you want to help somebody near and dear you can always sign up for more mitigation packs. Its a lot safer both for them and for you... because our packs are nondescript as 'supplements'. You will be provided with our referrals-only portal when you receive a consignment of the 'Wilting Weed' mitigation pack.

Of course there are choices that you can make to further reduce any odds of being negatively afflicted by the 'Wilting Weed' Project.

Firstly - a word on vaccinations. If you haven't already done so - inquire with our medical consultants with regards our premium vaccinations. Besides this year's jab including a little something to counter that nasty little 'bug' that is scheduled for early 2018 in the Middle and Far East, we remind those few of you who are unaware that it is highly advisable to subscribe for and have your offspring undertake our premium vaccination programs and to avoid the regular vaccinations that the pests take. Sorting out the appropriate paperwork so you do not have to is a courtesy of our service to you esteemed ladies and gents.

Its very literally the smart and vital thing to do.


While on the subject of staying healthy, in choosing your regular places of residence you will want to think twice about low-lands and humid environs of lower wind conditions. Our lucrative trail projects have proven that dispersing pathogens and other control residues into the atmosphere has had the greatest impacts within such contexts.

Secondly, avoid all GMO branded items except for those which you shall be informed of.


Also, most of the cheapest food items on the market.


Yes. I know that some like to buy the cheapest products no matter how many digits long their bank account balances are. You know what is about as cheap as pest food? Pests pet's food.

In other words there is a reason that its cheap. If you have a problem with this then subscribing for our dietary consultations will help shed dirt on some of the worse offenders on your purchasing list.

Thirdly, radiation sources. Whether its communication towers or Wi-Fi networks - limiting your exposure to these sources will put you ahead of the game, especially with regards to reproductive health. We, of course, also are able to provide informed advice as to safer practices and locations - but if you want the free version of this advice - the more rural the better.


So... to get things back on track - and to conclude...

The vaccination cocktails delivered to the masses are having their desired effects and our main correspondent in Africa, Bill, reports that efforts in that region are going well, and while there is some way yet to go, fertility is on the decline. Of course, our efforts in other parts of the World are also, for the most part, wilting fruits.

That these vaccines also impede intelligence among these our inferiors, thus making them easier to manipulate could also not have come soon enough - as one of the best ways to cap the potential of a pest is to stunt either them or their near and dear - forcing them to exert energy towards looking after them.


Hence two less problems for us to concern ourselves with.

Our efforts to monopolize the production of food for the unsavory masses is well at hand.

What farmers we haven't seduced with our GMO seeds or drive out of business through simple economies of scale - we shall blight with the near invisible residues from high altitude flyovers over many months. These shall be ingested by the masses and will further dim their potentials, both in the short term, and also encourage the onset of neurologically regressive conditions such as Alzheimer’s. What they do not ingest through their food they shall do so through their water supply and inhale from the air that they breath - especially in the low-land areas.

And all the while our similarly released pathogens will ensure that our pharmaceutical branches shall have a steady stream of demand...


For as we all know, it is more profitable to treat a disease than to cure it - and to cause it is more profitable than both curing and treating combined!


No... no... its true. Can you imagine how much profit would be lost if somebody came up with a product that removes our need to drink because we never get thirsty? It'd be a disaster on the bottom line! Much better to sell a product that makes us thirsty.


Bars around the World call this product 'Peanuts'.

More Laughter

Well, you have been a great crowd. I do expect that we will be hitting a milestone by 2042 where global human population shall be on a net decline.

By the time that happens, further advances in technology shall occur. We'll have serviceable robots that we can have meaningful discussions with. They'll run our factories and our establishments, and they'll even defend them too! Its been a long road but where we're at now looks promising.

No more needing to continue lying to ourselves about how we need ignorant inferiors who have been deliberately given a junk education so as to keep them under control both by virtue of their ignorance and also by virtue of their indebtedness to us.

We will still want to keep them kind of happy for a bit longer though. There are still a lot more of them than us and the process to tag them all is still in its early stages. Patience and discretion now is more important than ever.

That being said, unless somebody out there does something completely moronic and spill our plans upon Steemit - we should be Gold for the mass extermination to come.

And on that note, esteemed invitees, I'll be handing this meeting back to our chair!


Enjoy the rest of the summit!

Transcript ends.

Well - I hope that you found this fictitious/hypothetical "transcript" fun to read. ^_~

In case it needs to be said - this meeting was entirely fictitious. As to whether there is any truth to the insinuations within the text - there may very well be - although the evidence for such within the context of this lighthearted post is understandably lacking. Key words to look up on both Steemit and the internet at large include "Vaxxed" (or vaccines), "chemtrails" (or Geoengineering), "GMOs" (Genetically Modified Organisms) and "Secret Societies".

Also - needless to say - the views of Warrill Bergrotheller are not my own.

I do not consider any aspect of humanity to classify as "pests".


Maybe the parking attendants in Malta...

Downright useless thinly-veiled racketeers they mostly are.

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