The Truth Behind the Hitler => Aliens => Illuminati => New World Order Progression and Other Stuff I Just Made Up...

We’ve all been there. We know it is a “clickbait” article.

Clickbait Meme Image
Image Credit

We do it anyways.


I told my wife about what happened.

She was smart enough to know without me even describing the details.

“Let me guess, Hitler, Aliens, Illuminati, New World Order.”


From the article:

And some people think the rumoured base still exists, with the Germans, aliens, and the Illuminati planning to launch a New World Order from it.

We all know about Godwin's law “asserting that ‘As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Hitler approaches 1’ — that is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Hitler.” Source

But to the best of my knowledge, which is limited in topic and scope, there is no “official” internet principle or law describing the Hitler => Aliens => Illuminati => New World Order progression.

Please leave a comment with a name suggestion or link to article of proof that this does exist already.

Last year I was one of several audience members who live-tweeted along with episodes of History Channel’s The Curse of Oak Island.

This is where, with my stack of tin foil hats and triangle laden notes, I first pieced together the Hitler => Aliens => Illuminati => New World Order progression.

Well that is not entirely true…

It all began a few years before that when I read Umberto Eco’s Foucault’s Pendulum as part of my effort to read 100 books on The Art of Manliness.

Here, Mr. Eco, taught me the ways of the true line of conspiracy theory, including other essential elements, such as, the Kabbalah, alchemy, The Knights Templar, The Holy Grail and possibly the Shroud of Turin.

You see, it is easy to find and make connections, especially if they don’t exist.

My friend wrestles with the question in his latest article: Might People On The Internet Sometimes Lie?

In response, I agree with one commentator that “there are simply a lot of weird people out there with weird stories that they like to tell because they’re interesting to tell. They might not even be lies, just embellishments or misrememberings that happen to be entertaining to share.

Many times life is just too mundane.

To combat our increasingly boring existences we scour the internet for something interesting.

And to hold our attention, authors, sometimes intentionally or perhaps inadvertently need to make the story a bit more fantastical to keep people from clicking away and bouncing somewhere else.

We know attention is valuable.

So should we be surprised to find the Hitler => Aliens => Illuminati => New World Order progression?

But you knew that right?

To not disappoint you, I will leave you this link to answer the a question that “Can the new world order be saved by humanism?

See => New World Order.

And it’s “The Only Way Forward”.

Let’s see… Only.

The article includes this line:

Technological capabilities obviously enable criminals as well as creators, but individual capacity to turn dreams into reality is greater than at any point in human history.

And that leads me to this criminal connection.

Three-year-olds can be identified as criminals of the future and Concerns as face recognition tech used to ‘identify’ criminals.

Now, I agree with Psychologist Dr. Stanton Samenow and have read his book Inside the Criminal Mind which explores and explains criminal thinking and the thesis of “the clear understanding that the criminal chooses crime".

However, I take issue with the face recognition identification due to a few concerns:

  1. Crimes are dependent on law. Laws vary from country to country, state to state and even town to town. What may be a crime here and now, may not be where you are or in the future. Therefore, for an identification to be made that someone is necessarily a criminal based on a facial recognition pattern seems to not account for this variation.

  2. Accepting the premise that crime is genetic does not account for the volitional behavior of the criminal in their thinking and actions. We all have the capacity to think about committing crimes, yet we all do not carry these out these thoughts because we determine there is more to gain from following the rules instead of breaking them. However, we are not all so innocent all of the time and may have skirted, bent, or broken rules or laws (speeding, parking in no parking zones, etc.) when we thought it was “ok” or “no big deal” or “no one will get hurt”. Usually, there is little to no immediate consequences and this may embolden some people to do more or go further, faster, longer, higher, or what not… until they get caught.

So are we to believe there is nothing we can do for these pre-ordained criminals?

Clearly, Hitler => Aliens => Illuminati => New World Order can be blamed.

Don’t believe me?

Just see this.

“The Utah Data Center, code-named Bumblehive, is the first Intelligence Community Comprehensive National Cyber-security Initiative (IC CNCI) data center designed to support the Intelligence Community's efforts to monitor, strengthen and protect the nation. Our Utah "massive data repository" is designed to cope with the vast increases in digital data that have accompanied the rise of the global network.” Source

NSA Utah Data Center

NSA Data Center Image
Image Source

This “arbitrary” jump from massive collection of data, possibly identifying “criminals” through facial recognition, can only make sense if it is to serve some secret purpose.

Enter Astana, Kazakhstan: one of the strangest capital cities on Earth.

Astana, Kazakhstan

Image Labeled for Reuse

Astana is said to be The Illuminati Capital of Kazakhstan.

But this is just silly.

We all may just be misremembering things.

And more recently: Study: Half of people "remember" events that never happened:

““The finding that a large portion of people are prone to developing false beliefs is important. We know from other research that distorted beliefs can influence people’s behaviors, intentions and attitudes,” Wade said in a press statement.” Source

This reminds me of an interesting story from Influence: Science and Practice Fourth Edition by Robert B. Cialdini, that I sum up in my article Can you resist Persuasion Tactics?, in which Cialdini writes about the great impact of social proof.

“Various sects and cults have prophesied that on a particular date there would arrive a period of redemption and great happiness for those who believed in the group's teachings.”

“In each instance it has been predicted that the beginning of a time of salvation would be marked by an important and undeniable event, usually the cataclysmic end of the world. Of course, these predictions have invariably proved false, to the acute dismay of the members of such groups.”

It is a fascinating story that is too long to retell here, so I highly recommend you find it.

The conclusion however:

Imagine the corner in which Dr. Armstrong and his followers found themselves as morning approached. So massive was the commitment to their beliefs that no other truth was tolerable. Yet that set of beliefs had just taken a merciless pounding from physical reality: No saucer had landed, no spacemen had knocked, no flood had come, nothing had happened as prophesied. Since the only acceptable form of truth had been undercut by physical proof, there was but one way out of the corner for the group. It had to establish another type of proof for the validity of its beliefs: social proof.

The more social proof we find of the Hitler => Aliens => Illuminati => New World Order progression, the more likely we are to be persuaded to believe it is real and not fake news.


Written by Michael Paine

Follow me @strangerarray and donate because of the Hitler => Aliens => Illuminati => New World Order progression.

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