Constrained Contest Writing #15 - Watching Over me.

Her particular curves, brown skin glittering in the light. She stands there all day just looking at me, she never sleeps or at least I think she never does because anytime I touch her iron bangles you could call her handles, she creaks and this sound alone makes me conclude she doesn't sleep. She watches as I come into the room and alerts me when anyone else comes after me, even those that would want to cause me harm; the roaches, mosquitoes and other elements. In the heat of summer or cold of winter, she takes a major hit from the elements just so I don't get to feel the harshness of it. I pity her sometimes but she was built for it, her frame strong and thick where it should be, hung up in such a way to withstand the strongest wind. She's the first thing I see before I step into the room and the last before I go out. She watches me when I sleep, alone and cold. I'm sure she thinks of how long we've known each other and the heartbreaks we've experienced together. She just stands right there and watches unable to move except when I push or pull her which happens in just split of seconds and very rarely these days because I hardly ever go out. She can't be compared to any other. When I wake at nights and see the spark in her eyes caused by the reflection of the light. I smile because I can hear her clearly say, "sleep on son, I'm watching over you".

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