A SAD DUMP // constrained writing contest #15


I yawned as I forced my eyes open. I had been dreaming of roses and butterflies. The sweet smell of roses still lingered in the air, as if I had really been there. A true paradise.

But it was time to face reality. I was in hell, pure hell. The smell of disinfectant hit my nose, eradicating the memory of the roses. The cleaner had been there that morning.

“Good morning, White the Seventeenth”

“There is nothing good about this morning.” My brothers ignored me as they continued to greet each other. We had all been born from the same mother and paired together. We were all called White and all looked alike, the only difference was the number attached to our names.

I am called White the Seventeenth. There used to be about five hundred of us, before the humans came.

As they finished their greetings, a human barged into the room and stomped to the white bowl.

“A human? So early?” White the Fifteenth whispered.

“At least we will be put out of our misery. I hear beyond the white bowl is a true paradise where there is no suffering,” White the eighteenth said.

“Bullshit. Don’t delude yourself!” White the nineteenth spat and proceeded to tell the others of the terrible things beyond the white bowl.

I remained silent through it all as the room filled with foul air and the sound of solid hitting liquid and the human’s harsh breathing.

Finally, it was time. The human stretched out his hand and grabbed a handful of us and pulled. The tearing apart didn’t hurt much normally, but this time White the eighteenth held on to White the nineteenth.

“No! I don’t want to die, I don’t want to enter that humans vile place and clean off his filth!”

White the nineteenth wrestled out of his grip. “Let me go! Don’t pull me along with you!”

The others just stared at us in horror. Eventually we were separated and taken towards the human’s rear end, the place that stank the most.

The feeling of the moist brown smelly substance on my skin is one I would remember forever, as I was rubbed up and down the rear end of the human. I could hear the others screaming and crying.
I didn't make a sound. This was my fate, I had watched it happen to several of my brothers many times to know there was no point screaming. But it did not make it less terrifying.

Finally we were dumped in the white bowl, filled with water and brown matter and then flushed away.
Swirling and being torn into pieces by the force of the water, several of my brothers died before the long journey down the pipe, until we fell into a dark place with the most horrible smell.

I had made it in one piece unfortunately. I lay there, weak and dying. There was no paradise here as White the eighteenth had hoped. Only darkness.

I closed my eyes. And thus, I died , surrounded by shit.

A sad end to a sad life.

This is my entry for the constrained writing contest #15 run by @svashta. We were told to write a story from the point of view of an inanimate object which made writing this story a little hard. Thanks for reading.
Image created by me using Canva

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