Constrained Writing Contest #15


Everybody that has me hangs me on the wall, it's not that I love been there but it seems that's where they need me to be and that's where they get the best out of me. If I were asked to choose where I wanted to be, I would have chosen to be on a bed or couch where they lay to get comfort. When I look at how comfortable they feel when they are on the bed or couch I feel like coming down from the wall to join them and I feel the comfort.

I do things most humans can't do, even before I was invented, what was used in my place was not as accurate as I am now. I am one of the oldest human inventions, meeting the need of measuring intervals between periods. Sometimes I feel they will hate me for my tik tak sound, but it seems the more I make the sound the more I remind them of something they need to do.

They keep staring at me every moment, looking at what am telling, sometimes I feel like am the most important in their life. Even when am broken, i still say the truth twice a day. When am okay, I don't wait for anyone, I do my job and let them do theirs. Those that forget to keep me in mind get their consequences. I don't care what happens to them, I just do what am told to do.

I am omniscient yet I know nothing, I tell them with 12 numbers 2 spinning “hands” and 44 small lines. If one abandons me, he might be thought of as insane. But how can he not be when it is not the sun but the sound of my tik tak that continually spins the world?

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