Constrained Writing Contest #16-The rise and fall of John

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John was born on the 25th of April, 1989, he was the first child of his parents. Three years after his birth, his parents had a boy and a girl who were twins. They decided to practice family planning and put an end to child birth due to the low family income. John's dad was a small scale farmer and his mum a petty trader. John in his primary school days was brilliant and everyone knew he had a bright future. Although his parents were not rich and didn't fully support formal education, but John's intelligence and comments about him from teachers and neighbors made his father grow interest in formal education. Due to lack of funds his father was unable to send the twins to school, instead they hawked for their mother and they used the money to fund John's education. Their aim was that after John was through with education and got a job, he would help his siblings and support the family with what he has.

John's education was fast, at the age of 10, he was through with primary school and entered secondary school. John didnt derail from his academic performance, instead he grew better in it. This gave his parents and siblings joy. He won different academic awards for his school and himself and made his father proud. At the age of 16 John was through with his secondary school, he was eager to enter the university but due to lack of funds he was unable to enter the university that year.

He decided to apply for for the post of a teacher in a primary school and was employed despite the fact that he only had a secondary school result. His performance in his place of work was excellent and even better than some with University results. This caught the attention of the owner of the school and decided to sponsor him into the university. His sponsorship brought joy and relief into the family and his parents were able to send the twins to school.

He worked in the school for a year and entered university at the age of 17. He was the youngest student the school admitted and was given an award for being the youngest. His first year in school was excellent and full of praise,his academic performance was a surprise to everyone. His lecturers loved him and fellow students went to him for lessons.

He kept this on for three years, suddenly things started falling apart. John met a friend Robert in his 300 level who was a cultist. Robert was the opposite of John in all areas, but because Robert was always among girls and gets money easily, this attracted John and he began to fall off his academic performance. Three months after they met, John asked Robert how he got money easily and Robert told him to join his cult group if he also wanted to get money like he did.

John did not know the negative part of cultism, he decided to join. He was taken into a forest that same night for initiation. Unknowing to the cult members , Police were waiting for them that night at their initiation forest. As they began their rituals, the Police surrounded them, some tried to run away including John,the Police fired their guns to scare them, a stray bullet entered John at the back of his head and hit the floor dead.

His dead body was returned to his parents three days later. With tears in his eyes, his father asked "What is the meaning of life?"

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