Constrainedwriting contest #14 by @svashata---How I almost lost her.

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I was sitting and watching a movie in my room when my phone rang, i picked it up to see who was calling, it was my girlfriend, in my mind i thought why is she calling again,we just spoke not long i swiped the green button to answer the call, she said in anger sounding in her voice Mayowa is it true you slept with my friend Rose when i was away, i was shocked, she never calls me by name,she calls me sweetheart when i heard this,I knew the case was serious and didn't know what to say because i do not know who could have fed her with such lie. Truly Rose came to my house but we didn't have sex, I couldn't have done such a thing,not to a faithful girlfriend. I had to calm her down and invite her over to my place.

She came over 30 minutes after she dropped the call,she was boiling like water on pressure gas,her eyes were red like she had blood in them. I was short of words and didn't know what to say. I told her to sit down, she replied in anger am not here to sit,just tell me its not true. I was stammering because i didn't want to lose her and on the other hand the story she heard is not true,have always been faithful to her. I told her to tell me what she heard or saw that made her say i slept with her friend. She said a trusted source told her he/she saw her friend Rose coming out of my house with me holding her waist and kissing her. Immediately i knew it was Faith, she ruins everyone's relationship, she never had a serious one and doesn't want anyone to have one. I didn't allow my girlfriend to finish before i interrupted, babe,its true Rose came to my house however, that’s not how it really happened.

She came to me with her boyfriend to make inquires about steemit, they met me outside my house and we discussed out there without going in. She didn't believe at first, i had to call Rose's boyfriend who came with her before she could believe. I later asked her to tell me the person that fed her with the story, she refused saying she doesn't want me to go and meet the person and fight but deep inside me, I knew it was Faith. I kept quiet and let the sleeping dog lie.

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