Illuminati Confirmed at the Gas Station

I don't know why you even bothered voting. Don't you know the world is run by the Illuminati?

Yeah, I know that look. Did you ever think that maybe I'm just new enough that I can see the problems clearly without your baggage?

OK, OK, I'm sorry.

But... those machines you vote with are hackable. My friend Mason said he could do it from his phone. They don't want you to vote.

No, I didn't hack the voting machines while I was waiting on you. I'm not in the Illuminati--although I might infiltrate them someday and take them down.

Who are they? Some call them the deep state or the shadow government. They're the people who run everything, but you don't vote for them.

I saw it on YouTube and read about it on the internet.

There are books about the Illuminati, too. I saw them at the library.

What they want is to make money and control us all. It's about oil and pipelines and things like that. They have wars for that stuff because they make a lot of money off it. You're about to give them your money when you pay for your gas.

Democracy? We don't live in a democracy. We live in an oligarchy. That's where a bunch of rich people, like CEOs, pay the politicians they pick out. The politicians pretend to be for the people, but they're really for the oligarchs.

Yes, the oligarchs are in the Illuminati. If somebody's really rich, they're probably in the Illuminati. Oh, they also control the news because they don't want us to know they're the ones really in charge.

Another thing: they're always spying on you. They can see you through your TV even.

I know it sounds like that 1984 book. But it's true! Look it up. Just don't use Google. They're Illuminati, too.

It's called mass surveillance. It's used to keep you from acting like, in a way they don't want you to. Their symbols are everywhere. Really obvious. They're even on the back of your money. You know, the eyeball pyramid. Triangles and eyes.

The eye means they're watching. The triangle's like a chart. They're at the top, we're at the bottom.

Look! See this triangle here? That's their symbol. Illuminati confirmed at the gas station. What more proof do you need?


Photo and story by me, @hope-k!

@svashta's Constrained Writing contest can be found at this link: @svashta/constrained-writing-contest-19-winners-of-constrained-writing-contest-18

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