I wasn't always afraid of the dark, but now I'm so terrified by it



I wasn't always afraid of the dark, because truth be told, you are afraid of what hides in it, not of the dark itself, those maleficent things that can crawl under your skin and make your body become numb.



Dogs like me are supposed to be the first line of defense for a family, that is the reason they care for us, they give us a place in their life’s, is our sacred duty to protect them, no matter the cost, no matter how painful or dangerous it could be, they are the priority, but in the end I failed utterly.



It was a night like any other. The family was lost in sleep, and I was already on sentry duty, rounding around the house in seek of anything suspicious or harmful, always alert and ready to jump into the fray if necessary. The night passed normally and I remember that I think to myself: “Well another normal night that will succumb to the light of day, there is nothing to worry about” and I left myself gain some sleep.

Later a sudden noise wake me up, it was a pitched kind of noise, like broken glass, I run as fast as I could to the source of the noise that appeared to be the backdoor and there he was.



He looked quite scary and malignant, you not have to be a very intelligent pup to know that he was out to not good. I decided to bite him in the leg first instead of bark and alert the others, here is where I maked my first mistake. He was stronger than I, and he shoved me out to the mirror at our side. I was knock up cold from the impact and I don't know how much time had passed since that.

When I recovery consciousness, I sniffed a lot of blood in the air and of the wooden floor, with all my body crying in pain, I did a supreme effort to reach the bedrooms upstairs. Soon after I arrived, I see my rightful owners…. Sorry, this is difficult to say out loud... I see them with their throats cut out with a pool of dried blood that clearly emanated from them staining the sheets. As I observed the room looking of the little ones, I noticed a powerful stench that come from the bathroom, while I was approaching it I realized that the door was open, and there they were, the boy and the girl naked in the bathtub with their wrists cut out and their eyes lifeless focused on the ceiling like It was the sky himself. I almost lose the grip of myself until I heard a voice that was deep, harsh and quite evil that said: "look who is finally up, you are a tough one doggy, come with papa and let me see what makes you tick inside". as fast I could at that moment, I approached to him with the end of bite his fucking throat out and kill that degenerate once and for all for everything that he did to my family, but again he not gave me the chance of doing so, with a swift move of his arm, he stabbed me in the belly. I was so pathetic, that was the second time that he effortlessly stop me in my tracks. I could not move anymore and he knew it. As he was exit the bedroom I could hear his disturbed laughter as it was fading away in the distance.

In the next morning the police arrived, my family was not more, only rotten shells, lifeless and expressionless. They never caught the guy, and I was left for adoption where a new family took me in. a so here I am expending all my nights observing the coldest night into the eyes and not taking any rest as I hunt in the dark even the slightest sign of him. I wasn't always afraid of the dark but now I'm so terrified by it.

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