What if Jacqueline Kennedy Kill John Kennedy?



Look pal i know that nobody wants to hear this from a boy who barely is 16 years old but here i will tell you everything that you could not think by yourself so lets begin.

Everybody knows that his assasination is something that changes USA being it one of his more dark and hardest moments and still had some mistery into it that was never explain, you all know the Lee Harvey Oswald angle; An exmarine that deserted into Soviet Union and that after all he returned to America just to come and kill the president, But he never admitted it, in some point before the assasination of the president he only was a deranged ex-marine with a lot of psychological troubles and still after being retened for the assasination swear to god that he was only a Scapegoat besides he was a lousy shooter in may of 1959 his mark was only of 191 which reduced his rating to marksman, after the assasination and his detention he was kill by Jack Ruby who was the Dallas, Texas nightclub owner and he established his motive and that was had been distraught over Kennedy's death and that his motive for killing Oswald was "saving Mrs. Kennedy the discomfiture of coming back to trial."



Do you see why i mean, pretty fucking misterious to me, this guy suddenly walks in and kill the only lead that everybody has and all in Mrs Kennedy name, but listen there is more and will tell you by facts.

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Firts of all: The Shooting, you will probably dont know this but Jackie or Jacqueline Kennedy, i will say Jackie is more simple that way, testified to the Warren Comission that she saw the parts of his husband brains blown out of his husband body, the weird shit is that in the famous film that recorded the incident, she never saw how his husband was shot in the head until a second later of the incident, why this is weird: come on the firts thing that you do to evade suspicision is giving arguments about how atrocious all was besides she said that he never heard the shots that she just thought that it was a motorcycle backfiring and keep complete calm about it, and you will tell me that you buy that bullshit declaration?.



Fact # 2: Almost immediately that Mr Kennedy was shot, she began to climb onto the back of the limousine; Secret Service agent Clint Hill later told the Warren Commission that he thought she had been reaching across the trunk for a piece of her husband's skull that had been blown off. Hill ran to the car and leapt onto it, directing her back to her seat, again was the weird stuff here: Jackie said that she not remember the whole thing not until she would later testify that she saw pictures "of me climbing out the back. But I don't remember that at all". that is something you said after a failed escape attempt dont you think?.



Fact# 3: The Beautiful Funeral: so the funeral service was held at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle in Washington D.C. and the burial took place at nearby Arlington National Cemetery. Jackie led the procession on foot and lit the eternal flame—created at her request—at the gravesite. Lady Jeanne Campbell reported back to The London Evening Standard: "Jacqueline Kennedy has given the American people... one thing they have always lacked: Majesty." The thing here is that she became even famous that the whole ordeal, being in his husband murder a Fashion icon and later She married Aristotle Onassis, one of the world's richest and most famous men, in 1968. she had a career as a book editor for the final two decades of her life. She is remembered for her lifelong contributions to the arts and preservation of historic architecture, as well as for her style, elegance, and grace. She ranks as one of the most popular First Ladies and was named in 1999 on Gallup's list of Most Admired Men and Women in 20th-century America. So do you say what i mean here this woman become a World Icon and all because he husband was shot.



After all you surely think: well but has her motive apart of being a world icon and all? You could probably toss the death of his child: Patrick Kennedy but you had to remember the Marylin Monroe popular theme: Happy Birthday, Mr. President dont you? Marylin Monroe had sexual relations with JFK and in his 45TH Birthday (Ocassion were the theme was sing) Jackie never assisted to the place because she knows everything about Marylin and her husband in the moment, never cross a woman pal and less a woman who worship power.

If you think that everything I told you is a lie, look it out in Books, Movies even in the fucking Wikipedia and you will see I am right, but i have to go now so have a good night and never believe what the world tell you, find the true by yourself and you will see things that are no meant to be seen.

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