
The villagers were hiding in their wooden cabins. Chained dogs were barking nervously. An ominous aura is engulfing the entire village of Stadore. With good reason.

IT is arriving.

When ground started shaking, even the guard dogs started losing their courage.

The ground is trembling more intensely with every passing second. Terror is becoming to shape up, first, only the outlines were emerging from the fog and then lastly the entire grotesque creature was standing on the main road of Stadore.


"Something for Brutus....Tasty humans, I am taking my food. Brutus hungry"

Every autumn the village is paying in blood the sins of their forefathers.

With each step, Brutus was approaching closer to the living area of the village. He has been taking lives of humans in hiding for half a century now, and he is getting better at it, each year. Hiding and praying is the only thing that has been keeping them alive all these years, at least most of them and that is exactly what they will be doing this time also.

As he was sniffing out the scent of fear in the air, something was distracting him, the entire time. Something different, something unexpected.

A young boy was standing on the far side of the road, defiantly, bravely, foolishly.

"I will be eating you, puny boy"

boy alone.jpg

Silently, boy was still standing and staring at the monster. The courage of the villagers has been faltering for far too long. Son of a baker is changing that, right here, right now. The slaughtering of the innocent is ending on this day. Young baker's feet were now moving, taking him closer and closer to the demonical oppressor.
His feet were taking him closer and closer to death.

Sparks of rebellion that were coming from this boy were spreading like invisible lighting. Once powerless sheep, now they were opening windows and doors of their houses. Boy's spirit was slowly rekindling what was thought both lost and forgotten. Sheep were growing a set of teeth and claws.
Now at their doorsteps, newly-awakened villagers were watching an unfair fight resulting in a death of the brave boy.

"HAHAHA, stupid boy is being a good meal, but too skinny. No one stronger than Brutus, Brutus still hungry" - The creature was gloating and ridiculing boy's brave gesture.

Interrupting creature's laughter was a simple spear that was flying towards it.
Deflecting the spear with ease, angered Brutus was slowly turning to the source of the projectile.

Brutus was now witnessing something unheard of. Food was fighting back.


This story was one of the toughest I ever wrote. The intention of this story was to write it entirely in the continuous (-ing) form. And I must say, it was a hard task. If you are wondering why did I put myself true such ordeal, well ask @svashta. It was his idea, for the #constrainedwriting challenge that is. :)

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