"I’m Telling The Truth", You Lied.

Oh Dear! Here you are looking at the fire, or the lack of it. You’re in trouble now. How are you going to get out of that? You know that Dad said don’t touch it and here you are sitting in front of the hissing fire you blew on until the flame went out.

The mobile gas fire sat almost in the centre of the room, a gentle hiss from the gas pipettes where a flame should be. The air was turning cold again. Your brain didn’t even have to work at it. You just knew what you needed to do. Its almost an instinct for you.

That’s it girl, brace yourself, ready to lie and look innocent. Your brother can take it. He’ll just get sent to bed. No biggy. He’ll live. And you, well, you’ll get off scott-free and have time with dad to yourself. What else are brothers for if not to take the blame?

Oh great. Your whining little brother has just shouted Dad in to the room. Get ready for it.

There you go – as innocent and believable as you can “He did it”.
The boy looks worried. He’s starting to deny it but you’re bigger, older, louder… cleverer!
You explain to Dad that you sat close to the fire when he, your little brother, two years your junior, disobeyed the instruction. You explained with such conviction and detailed just enough that he was the one to get closer. He blew at the flame. You told him not to.

He’s protesting and crying now but you steam over him with your words. You touch Dad’s hand. You tell him you know how dangerous it can be. You ask him “Don’t you believe me?”

You can tell the man is torn between your very convincing story and your younger brother’s pitiful crying. You force tears to your eyes too. Not crying, just tears, just in case.

Bingo! Dad believed you and the poor lad has been sent to bed, snivelling and crying that it’s not fair and he didn’t do it.

Maybe, years down the line you’ll tell your Mum or Dad the truth about that day… but until then it’s TV and snuggles with Dad while the dulled tones of a snivelling boy wanders through the air.

And who am I to be told this tale? Why, your Conscience of course…

Thank you for reading.

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