Constrained Writing Contest #11 - Example story

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I have promised to deliver an example story for this week's Constrained Writing Contest, and here it is:

Her side of the story:

I was already asleep when he got home. I woke up to the sound of the toilet flushing. I checked the clock and it read 2 am. I didn't want to make false assumptions but I was certain he had been drinking again. He came from the bathroom wearing his pyjamas and was smelling of booze. Hard. I yelled at him for driving drunk and didn't even stop to listen to his counter arguments. I told him he wasn't welcome on the bed and must sleep on the couch. He was staying at my place after all. I told him I want him out of my bed by the time I returned from the bathroom. I then left to go do number 1 and surely enough, he was gone from my bed. I curled back under the still warm blankets and fell back to sleep.

His side of the story:

I was out at a house party with a couple of friends and when we were dancing someone spilled beer all over me. I brushed it off and we danced until it was around 1.30 am when I decided to head to my girlfriend's like we had agreed to. I was driving so I wasn't drinking any alcohol; only juice and some cola. When I arrived to my her house I noticed all the lights were off so I used the key she gave me to get in as quietly as possible. I knew I smelled of beer and other liquor that had been spilled one, but I didn't want to wake her up, so I didn't take a shower. I changed into my pyjamas and went to the bathroom to do number 1. When I got back, though, she was wide awake and yelling at me for drunk driving. I tried to tell her I wasn't drinking any alcohol but she wouldn't believe me. She kept yelling at me without listening to anything I said until at some point she told me I had to be gone from her bed by the time she comes back from the bathroom. Before she even flushed the toilet, I wasn't just out of her bed, but out of her life also. I left her apartment and left nothing behind but a note to never call me again on her couch. I blocked her number when I got home. I don't want to spend my time with someone who doesn't trust me.

Good luck everyone participating in this week's Constrained Writing Contest!

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