Constrained Writing Contest #26 + Winners of Constrained Writing Contest #25

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Most writing contests give you a writing prompt or at least a couple of words to work your idea around, which is why I decided to host a slightly different contest.

A constrained writing contest

Instead of being given an idea or a writing prompt, you are allowed to choose the topic completely by yourself. But, varying from week to week, you will face different challenges that limit your writing.

You will be required to omit certain words, use a specific word in every second sentence, use a given sentence unchanged, write a story with a certain amount of words... or a combination of all.

Winners of constrained writing contest #25

This week we had an increase in the number of participants compared to the last few weeks, and let me tell you, the stories were A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! The constraint itself allowed for a lot of freedom, and I believe a good starting point for what yielded plenty of masterpieces produced by the participants. Picking the top 3 was hard. Picking amongst the top 3 was hard. I just wanted to give them all first place - but that's sadly impossible. The stories were all so very well thought out, full of details and great twists!
There is no denying, however, that some authors have a way to my heart - and I suppose to others' as well - and that we all have much to learn from them.
Here are the top 3 that I picked this week:

Know how when you travel and have fun, you buy yourself a souvenir, then every time you see that souvenir, it brings you right back to that place, and makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Know how when you're feeling most stressed or most sad, one single look at the picture of your loved one can give you all the warmth in the world and allows you to slay the blues and smile?
This story by @suzanrs is nothing short of a masterpiece that contains all sorts of hidden gems.
A prediction of the future? Check.
Love and warmth? Check.
A child's innocence? Check.
An amazing plot and twist? Check.
Outstanding attention to detail? Check.
And the list goes on.
I'm still bedazzled by your story, and am in search of a pear-shaped rock myself. Definitely going to keep it around and let it remind me of the feelings I felt reading your story.

Remember how I talked about the attention to detail in @suzanrs' story? And the great plot and twist and, ... .... This story is no different. The details @spalatino managed to put inside, although subtle, allow you to immerse yourself so fully, you even feel wet along with your character. He's definitely got one of the greatest talents to make his characters come to life and for that, @spalatino, I as a reader am thankful and happy to be able to read your stories. I definitely have much to learn from you.

I don't want to spoil too much of the plot twist here, so I'll give you a quick preview and get you interested enough to give this amazing story a read yourself.
Imagine an alternate world in which you would be able to learn everything about a person without ever meeting them in person. Knowing their deepest secrets, their deepest thoughts, ... being allowed a vision into their true self.
And you would find this person so attractive, not because of their visual appearance, but because of their thought patterns and who they actually are, that you would fall in love with them.
Then you realize that there is a possibility for you to meet them.
And spend the rest of your life with them.
Would you have given it a try?

Oh, and, the attention to detail? Check, check, check! Absolutely amazing!

The stories I have mentioned thus far are definitely stories every writer should read. There is so much to learn from them that it would be a sin not to. So, if you haven't yet, I warmly invite you to immerse yourself into a separate world and have your minds blown.
It's worth it! I promise!

I left some more feedback to each story in the comments section! ^^

Honorable mentions in alphabetical order:

If I, by any chance, missed your entry, please do not hesitate to let me know, and I will do my best to redeem myself. I have missed an entry in the past, so I now pay extra attention, but ... It can happen still.
Sorry and thanks!

Proof of payment:

With that out of the way, onto constrained writing contest #26!


This week it I'm the judge again!

Here is what I came up for this week:

  • Write a story that reads like (an entry of) a journal. It can be several logs (days) long, or only one.
  • The story must be at least 250 words long and in English

Click here for an example story I wrote.

And as for the usual mumbo jumbo, here's the rest of the rules just about every contest has:

  • Upvote this post
  • Post a link to your entry in the comments below
  • Include tag #constrainedwriting among your other tags
  • Should you wish to help raise awareness of the contest, please consider resteeming this post (it is by no means compulsory)


I will pay out this post's payout in full, both SBD and STEEM!

  • 1st place: 45% of post's payout
  • 2nd place: 27% of post's payout
  • 3rd place 18 % of post's payout
  • Judge takes 5 % for his/her efforts
  • I will take 5 % for hosting, writing and editing the contest

*Note: In case I receive any donations for the contest, the payout percentages apply to the donation itself as well.


This week I am the judge of the Constrained Writing Contest I am responsible for picking the winners on my own discretion, but I promise to try my best and be as objective as possible.

What's that I hear? You wish to be a judge too? Well look no further!
To apply for a judge and make up your own rules, simply send @svashta a hearty hello on Discord (Svashta#5207).

*Disclaimer: I will only allow fellow writers as judges to keep the competition high quality.


  • Entries are accepted until this post's payout
  • Your entry post must be newer than this post

Good luck!


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