MS. SWEETHEART a short story by ThePrintupList- #constrainedwriting entry contest 12

Hey Steemians!

Here is my short story entry for Constrainedwriting 12 contest.


Painting by

______MS SWEETHEART______________

Upon my arrival I sensed his disapproval. There was something wrong with tonight.The musk in the air was bitter, lacking the touch of sweetness it usually carries.
Sugar carmel apple.
He sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes red as if he was up the night before crying. It was only 12 hours before when we last spoke.
" Hi baby, I'll see you later today? Call me"
A cold draft whispered pasted my ear , the window opened and brushing the linen curtains upon the bed. The airs howling echo of the cold mimicking my own desires from the night before. Haunting.
The sheet on the bed was taught, too perfect for his own perfection. He was beautiful, he was mine.
I walked past him and closed the window. I removed my coat dropping to the floor to reveal my white dress.
Purple stains marked the soft cotton lace that gracefully fluttered to my legs as I sat next to him.
My hands warm and stained, accented by red nails perfectly pointed, dressed in rose gold rings. Delicate.
He was naked. A lone glass sat aside of his body mocking the wine that escaped.
Wasted grape.
Little did he know how much I really cared. Placing my hand to his heart,
Chest bare, I spoke." I was always there for you....always"
Blank, no response.
I looked at him and our eyes met. I remembered our first kiss. Joyfully capturing the bliss of spirits intertwined, in love.
A beam of light touched my face heating my cheek. As an escape I curled my body next to his; binding us and Interlocking.
My warmth kindling his lifelessness reflecting his bitter end.
Hands Shaking, I place my head in proper place.I felt beautiful, sheltered in remorse ready to flee to sleep.
Breathe heavy, spirit ready.
I pulled the trigger.
Murder Suicide.

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