
This story is about a part of my life I don't wish to remember. But you must know that by now. It all started on a sunny day surprisingly. I woke up to the song of birds in the trees with a skip in my heart. Today I was to meet Jenkins who I had met online. He was totally sweet and I was practically jumping my bones to meet him. The day couldn't fly fast enough till 4pm. I took a shower, did my hair and make up and was out the door by 3:40pm. I got to our place of rendezvous in record time. I sat a ways away from our reserved table cos I have a thing for not showing up first. I waited and waited in vain for Jenkins to show..... No such luck. I was about to give up by 4:40pm when I saw a strange looking man walk up and sit at our reserved table. I thought to myself, surely it's a mistake. He had hair a cross between purple and red, he was missing an ear, his nose was crooked and he stood at a little less than 4.6". I was absolutely livid because this was totally not the Jenkins I was sure I had seen. I sped out of there like I had fire in my bones and that was the last I ever thought about Jenkins. This was my major catfished moment. I totally swore off online dating for a long while after that ghastly episode.


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