love on steemit


When I first met Rico he seemed quite the strange one but his strange appealed to my strange if you know what I mean. We totally think the same way. I like the fact that he's smarter than I am because sincerely, it was getting to be a problem. Having a PhD in artificial intelligence was no small feat, I had been told several times by guys who felt intimidated by me. They couldn't even be bothered to hide it. But not Rico. He was definitely my tested and trusted guy even though I had only known him for 3days. That fateful day when he commented on my post, it struck a chord deep in my heart and I just knew..... This was the one. My heartbeat couldn't keep up. I definitely had to reply and I did. I sincerely fell in love at the second comment and that's how we blossomed into an online love affair. I can only hope he feels the same way because I doubt I'm willing to let this one go. He totally gets me everywhere we are. Does it mean a lot to me that we've been able to keep up a conversation on whatsapp for 3 days? Yes yes yes. Other guys don't just cut it for me. It's Rico for me. I'll definitely be telling him today, I can't wait for him to come online.

I'm here at work but all I can think about is Merya. I met this lovely, exquisite creature on Steemit and I haven't been able to let go since then. I do feel like the connection is too strong at times. She always says the right things. Always does the right things. Even her slip ups are endearing. She's definitely a keeper. But I feel it's too early to tell her how much I like her. What if she doesn't like me back. It's been only a few days and I don't know for sure. I've never been one to jump into relationships but this feels right. The fact that she's intellectually sound was definitely a plus for me and now I can't get her off my mind. I have lots of issues. Will she be willing to accept them? I'm hardly ever in this kind of dilemma but that's probably because I've never met someone like her. I should tell her how I feel. I don't think I'll be able to take it if she doesn't reciprocate but I'm going to keep trying. I have time on my side.

What's going on... Rico isn't picking up. He's not replying my texts. Did I do something? Did I say something? Oh no! I probably came on too strong in our last conversation and now he feels like he has to flee from me. Stupid stupid stupid. I could have just chilled out a bit. This is so not good. Maybe I should take a break from my phone. I hope he's OK though. I'm really worried. This is unlike him.


Image from Google.

Happy Sunday people. Much love to you. It's the last day of the year😊πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

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