BIG FAMILY for Constrained Writing Contest #24

My participation in Constrained Writing Contest # 24
to participate a story of a birthday party will be written without using the words "happy", "older", or "year".
The story must be at least 250 words long and in English


By blowing the candle, what could I wish for on this day?
Listening to vitores, applause and seeing smiling faces, I worried where I would be for next spring. I was tired of losing my time from party to party, but I did not know how to get out of there.
I remembered the grandmother preparing some rejuvenating potions, to eliminate a wrinkle here and a wrinkle over there.
Handing out kisses and running in the yard behind the chickens to look for the freshest eggs to make a succulent cake. Everything should be ready, cookies with chocolate, strawberries brought from colder places to make a tower of them, as I liked to my ...

All who attended were forced to sing a song dedicated to the honored, -me-.
I was filled with laughter and I have to confess that my eardrums suffered a little.
The best was the time of the challenges:
We went to the front to try to climb a tree, which came first to the highest part of the tree was winning ... accept the challenge but when I was climbing a gust of wind I lost my balance and fell crashingly, I fainted, woke up and saw to the most adorable girl that my eyes contemplated. That was the first time I fell in love.

At the time of distributing the cake, all around the table, we say cheese and we pose for the photograph ...
Today I am here surrounded by strange people who love me for my money, and I do not see in their eyes the shine I saw in those days of cake that my grandmother had.
How fortunate I was to be able to enjoy the sincere affection of my family, it is time to find a partner to share the benefits of life.


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