Story of a Pathetic Friend -- "Little Did She Know" #constrainedwriting #12

This is my entry for the #constrainedwriting contest #12. Rules of which is the author must use the phrase "Little did he/she know" somewhere in the story with a minimum of 250 words. Or find the rules here.

Story of a Pathetic Friend


Education is an important thing in the life of every human. They say "education is an effective armor in facing all the tough contingencies ahead as we further the avenue of life." With that said, we should use education for an optimistic change we are aiming for in our lives. But we almost always never realize the importance of education in our lives until we fail.

I have an interesting story to share. Here it goes:

I saw a solitary young lady once at the school campus. She looked fatigued, worn-out, and stressed. It seems to me that she needs a little assistance. So being a good Samaritan at that, I collected all the brave nerve in me and approached her. She seemed hesitant answering my question about how was she. But still, I insisted to know the answer. Later did I learn that she felt sad since the result of her exams turned out bad and what dismays her much, she says, was that she tried to cheat just to pass her exams, and, unfortunately, got caught. Apart from the embarrassment she earned, she was branded as the "lousy cheater" which deeply penetrated her heart and destroyed the remaining dignity she has.

I can see in her misty eyes the regret she carries in her heart -- regret from cheating, and of not studying well for her exams, as she acknowledged it herself. She said that if she only studied well, she wouldn't walk into the humiliation she was in. She said that her parents would no longer support her studies feeling that they are just wasting money for her education.

If she only studied well, she would not have let her parents down. If she only have taken her studies more seriously, she would have a clear future ahead of her. If only...

But what just happened blurred her directions; she was already holding that shining star in her hands, but too bad, she grew tired holding onto it (taking the seemingly easier alternative, that is to cheat) and the bright star in her hand had just turned sullen.

Fast forward. On another occasion, I saw her again, but not on the school campus anymore. She was at the sidewalk selling some candies and cigarettes. I couldn't help but come near her. As she saw me, tears came rushing down. Ironically, she gave a piece of unsolicited advice to me.

She told me that I should never take my education for granted and that I should study well. She told me to never grow tired of holding that shining star in my hands; she told me that is where my future depends. The scene was affecting.

I understand her. From her story, she realized why adults always tell the young ones to give value on education. Little did she know, she educated me on the value of education because of her story. Little did she know, she made me realize that learning is not confined in the four walls of a classroom. Little did she know, she made me become aware that learning is a process and we can learn from everyone. Little did she know, she inspired me.

True, we never realize the importance of a thing until it is out of our lives. My pathetic friend never realized how bright the star she was holding until it turned sullen. But as for me, I would not let the star I holding onto to turn gray just to realize how bright it was in the end. I wouldn't want that to happen. I wouldn't want to regret anything in my life.

Picture from Pixabay

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