A story about a boy who liked to read - CONSTRAINED WRITING

Long long time ago in a land far away from this one there once lived a special little boy. This boy was not an ordinary boy indeed. He would not play and he would not sing. The boy would not talk at all. Many doctors came and consulted his parents telling them they have nothing to worry about, the boy was, in fact, healthy and seemed happy enough. His parents tried everything. They surrounded him with all the love they had and brought him other children, animals, and toys. Nothing could make a boy talk.

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There was one activity that boy enjoyed doing more than any other one. The boy liked to read. Each and every day he would take the new books his parents gave him and went to one of his secret places. Sometimes it was the attic and sometimes the backyard, sometimes it was even the woods. He would dive in them with his full being and get lost in the adventures. He wasn't him anymore, he was a brave knight who saved a princess, a mighty king who was taking care of his people, a magician, horse, doctor, rainbow... He was all of those things.

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Years had past and a boy grew a bit older. His interests changed and so did his books. He was not a brave knight anymore, now he was a scientist bravely changing the world, a philosopher debating about it, an artist creating it, a thought, picture, statue. He was all of those things. One day while he was walking through the woods he noticed a stranger in his favorite reading place, and what a beautiful stranger she was. Nowhere in his books did he read of such beauty, none of his favorite authors new beauty like he knew when he saw her. She had eyes only for the words written in her books and she did not speak. They did not speak, but they did read. They read sitting side by side and with each passing day, the books were slowly replaced with reading from each others eyes. Sometimes they would read the books and sometimes they would read each others bodies.
More time had passed and they grew older together. Their books grew older with them.

Their wedding was one of the silent ones, the most silent one in all the land. Only two words were said and repeated " I do."

His father approached him afterwards and asked him:
"Why did you not speak until now?"
"I haven't learned all the words." he responded
"And now you know every word there is?"
" I do." he smiled and hugged his wife.

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This story is my entry for the constrained writing contest #17! organized by @svashta.
This time the rules were:

  • Write a story about learning (something new) without using a school setting, church setting, or parent/child interactions.
  • The story must be at least 250 words long and in English

If you liked my story feel free to upvote, comment and/or resteem. Let me know if you liked it. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.

My previous constrained writing stories:

3 columns
2 columns
1 column