The Health Of A Consumer - A Short Explanation

Consumer is a person who consumes food and uses goods and services available in the market.

The status of people is highly influenced by the food, goods and services they that are available in the neighborhood or market . Consumer can be local, national or international level. People who produce goods or provide services to other people can also be consumer themselves because people cannot produce everything they need by themselves. In one or another pretext, they have to use the items made by other producers. Whatever people eat or use can have director indirect effects on their health.

Consumer health is the study of health state of people that is affected by the foods, goods and services they consume or use in their daily life. It is not sure that whatever we consume everyday is absolutely safe for health. Mostly, people lose their good health because of low quality foods and goods provided by manufacturers or producers because such people certainly look for good profit by investing less money and providing low quality. Their intention is to make money, not to care about health of the consumer.

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Let's take a look at consumerism. It mainly has two meanings:

  1. an effort to protect against wrong practices
  2. use the commodities of market in extreme manner.

Most people have become quite aware about their health nowadays. They are being conscious about what they eat, where they eat and how they get. Consumerism in developing countries is a movement or activity done by an individual or group in order to protect the rights consumers and provide them quality food and goods including essential services. Activities coming under consumerism are:
i. Advertising , labeling or packaging, business practices that limit competition.
ii. Providing information about goods and services
iii. Helping obtaining compensation for damage or injury caused by defective product
iv. Esting goods for quality
v. Investigating services and publishing the results.

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