Surfing Around Steemit; Considering Articles, Photos and Videos

Somehow, I ended up spending most of my day reading, commenting and generally "curating" around the Land of Steemit.

Getting exposed to many different kinds of content, it occurred to me that everyone probably has their own way of surfing the web. To which I'd add that everyone probably has their own way of looking at content on Steemit.

I Guess I'm Just an Old Fashioned READER!

In recent weeks, I've noticed that I don't have a lot of patience with video posts (or so-called "vlogs"), and by far prefer to peruse text and image posts. 

A peaceful sunny pond

Unless a video is on something I very specifically know I'll be interested in, I'm unlikely to start watching... especially if it's more than 2-3 minutes long. To be perfectly honest and rude... a large number of people just have a lousy video presence. 

There are a few exceptions, of course... Steemit has a few exceptional videobloggers who keep their content really interesting. They also stay "on task" really well... a lot of self-made videographers tend to "wander" a lot... no, I don't need to know that there were almost no clean glasses in the kitchen, and that you're not sure where you set down the blunt you rolled earlier.

Am I being hypercritical?

Well, here's the deal... if you were writing your post, you wouldn't be telling me about the dirty glasses or your lost reefer, you'd just get to the point... so why ramble on, just because it's video?

On the whole, though, I'd much rather READ than watch and listen.

Tongue-in-cheek criticisms aside, I just prefer the written word on a page or screen. This may sound strange, but I actually don't find it "easier" to watch a video than read an article.

Lilacs in bloom

I suspect part of that is because I am older... I grew up with books and text... and I can "absorb" a 500-word post in about 6-8 seconds. No, I'm not kidding. "Speed reading" a video clip-- if such a thing is even possible-- is not a skill I have developed, as of yet. 

Of course, I also love the work of the many amazing photographers we have on Steemit, I'm especially into the many images from different parts of the world-- places I, most likely, will not get to visit in this lifetime. So thank you all for sharing your amazing worlds!

And then there are our marvelous creative artists! Wow! Special kudos to those of you who take the time to show an entire progression of a piece of art, from conceptualization to finished piece.

Keep in Mind that You DO have an Audience!

What else have I learned on my reading rounds, today?

Wild rose with beetle

Well, this is a SOCIAL content site. That means... being here involves people other than yourself. Specifically, it involves a potential audience. It's fine that you might be writing or journaling "for yourself" but keep in mind that other people are likely to read your content.

And if you really want people to connect and engage with your posts? Show that you care... at least a little bit. And that means content that's reasonably easy to read, and attractively presented. 

If it looks like YOU don't care about your posts... how could you expect others to care?

And for you videographers? ENOUGH with the whole shaky-camera cinema verité look and sudden "headache pans" of your surroundings. 

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming!

How about YOU? Do you sometimes spend most of your "Steemit time" just reading and curating, rather than making your own posts? Do you have specific "Steemit time?" Do you have a favorite format for what you like on Steemit? Leave a comment-- share your experiences and feedback-- join the conversation!

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Published 20170714 17:45 PDT

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