CHOOSE OUR NEW LOGO!! - New Hop Farm Runs a Logo Competition!

My husband is currently an active duty Marine with 5 years left until retirement. What does he want to be with he grows up? A farmer. So we're getting a head start. Hop vines take about 3 years to reach their full potential. So this Spring we're building a 1-acre hopyard and seeing what this whole "farming" thing is about. ;)

In Virginia, the micro-brew industry is exploding, and the source of locally grown hops simply can't keep up. In fact, in 2014 there were only 25 acres of hops grown in all of Virginia.

In fact, when we were at a locally brewery last year we ran into the owners of Old Bust Head, a very popular local brewery (although possibly too big to be called a micro-brewery). We mentioned we were planning on growing hops and he excitedly interrupted us and said he would buy our entire supply. We had to laugh - it was a good sign that we had interested buyers before we even had any hops!

Anyhow - we've started construction on the hopyard (pictures in a follow-up post), but before we get started, we need a logo!! We've worked with a site called 99designs who pitch our logo to their database of designers. We've selected our top 6 favorite, and now need to select a winner! But it's proving to be super difficult! All of these designs are GORGEOUS - so we're asking for your help!!

Comment below with the number for your favorite logo to help us choose! Whichever one gets the most votes, we'll select!

Logo 1


Logo 2


Logo 3


Logo 4


Logo 5


Logo 6


3 columns
2 columns
1 column