Thursday doodle becomes a contest! Write your own story about the drawing and win 40SBD total prizes!

Thursday doodle becomes a contest! Write your own story about the drawing and win 40SBD total prizes!

After I pubblished last week's doodle (you can see it here), and I kind of shortly explained the story behind it, user @utfull suggested the brilliant idea to run up a contest about these doodles!

In few words: I put the image on, you invent the story behind it! :D


  • The story should be at most 50 words lenght, and you can say anything you want about it! Please keep it family oriented!
  • Please put your entry in the comments, and if you want do a post about it copy the link too.
  • The deadline will be related to the post payout, so you can check it everytime. 
  • Winners will be announced Friday 21.07.2017. Thanks a lot to @mariandavp who has been kindly disposable to judge this week entries!

These are this week prizes:

1St place: 20SBD

2nd place: 10SBD

3rd place: 5SBD

4th place: 3SBD

5th place: 2SBD

Thanks a lot to @kus-kne and @mariandavp for his generous participation with 10SBD each this week!

This is my bluepencil doodle of the week:

Hands on keyboard folks! Let the imagination come out!

Thanks for watching!

 You can also see my work at the following sites:

..… ..… ..… ..…


llustrator, graphic designer

Outdoor adventurer

Folk and Blues enthusiast 

Team sports lover!

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