Social Experiment: Mining Brain Power with Comment Farming via Rewards!

What if we had a system by which we can farm for excellent comments? Well, friends. That day has come.

All we need is a tracker of vote value that is based on a combination of stake and quantity of votes excluding self votes for obvious reasons. This will be a way to turn the vote farming networks into comment factories providing value.

Why don't we do a simple proof-of-concept?

In your own words, please explain what is the best use case of blockchain technology and why?

Use a full vote upvote on this post to fill your reward pool.Vote on the comments you like the best with whatever weight you feel but know only number of votes will used this go round.

I have to run errands with the wife but will be back to add my input. There is no limit to comments.
For the purposes of this experiment, I will upvote this post even though I am the author to add a reward pool for participants to compete for.


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