Information Finding Championship round 13 results.

Hello there! Welcome to our digital castle.

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and instagram

We have the results in for another round. :)


apolymask - Voted for plushzilla

rarebooksleuth - Voted for bengy

charisma777 - Voted for plushzilla

luckysteem - Voted for plushzilla

addempsea - Voted for bengy

Deliberator - Voted for bengy

So.. It's a tie, but.. What are we doing with this round?
We've been talking on our discord amongst ourselves and I made a thread the other day asking what we should do about the results of this challenge since no one quite brought us back what we were looking for.

Normally. I wouldn't even care that much, but.. This round had a bonus 25 steem reward and it was suppose to be a sort of special round, but no one quite fulfilled what we wanted.. So.. What do we do?

I'm pretty sure every single person said they agree that we should do something else with the 25 steem.. But what? We got a bunch of different answers, so I want people to come together here and sort of officially vote what you think we should do with the 25 steem.

Also, what should we do in regards to the tie for this round? Do we do a tie breaker round? If so should it be the same subject or a different subject?

And don't get me wrong, I could come up with ideas for all these things, but.. I want this to be a community and I want everyone's voice to feel like it matters.

I'm just one voice here among many, I shouldn't be deciding such things all by myself, I think we should come together to decide these particular aspects of the game. Cause.. This is uncharted territory and I think we should face it together. :)

Also @grizzman completed another side quest and earned another 3 XP, and that is now updated in our official numbers.

Here's what our numbers look like.. Also hoping to do the new leaderboard stuff charisma777 set up, but haven't got to it yet.


kryptocek 5-41-1
bashadow 3-24-0 1-14-0
auminda 1-09-0
swolesome 1-09-0
xomegax 1-08-0
grizzman 0-08-0
amariespeaks 1-07-0
noisyboy 1-05-0
deliberator 0-04-0 now a judge
bengy 0-03-0
plushzilla 0-03-0
sophiabydesign 0-02-0
lynncoyle1 0-01-0
nxtblg 0-01-0
yura81 0-01-0
mnallica 0-01-0
iexplore 0-01-0

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and instagram

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