Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 1 (150 steem grand prize)

Hello there! Welcome to my digital castle.

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and on instagram

It's an interesting place around here and there are different things to do and learn if you look.. But.. Right now we are about to start a new contest, there's going to be a grand prize of 150 steem.. Maybe you might be interested? If so.. Then let me tell you about the Information Finding Championship!


The premise is sort of simple.
I'm going to be doing a different challenge every so often whether it be orientated around photography or writing or memes or music or numerous other things!

The winner of each individual round will get the amount of steem/sbd that the particular challenge/post involved earned, minus the 25% or so that goes to curation.

So.. You have a chance to earn something each time you win an individual round and at the very end there will be a 150 steem grand prize for the winner. :)
Also a 25 steem prize to second place. And 5 steem prize to 3rd.

Additionally if anyone wants to donate to the grand prize total for whatever reason, I'm totally open to that.
Plus.. Whoever wins the grand prize will have an avatar drawn by someone here on steemit to represent them and they will become a permanent part of the IFC world and history of the challenge.

And.. I suppose to make it extra interesting.. You should get some kind of title as well like "Information Finding Champion" if you win the whole deal. :)

If for some reason no one wins a given round, the money that post earns will go towards the grand prize cause I would like to see an even bigger grand prize, but 150 steem is what I personally feel comfortable with doing right now.

I will try to keep my voting power high and upvote the challenge every time so I can get the post started with a little bit of steem/sbd guaranteeing that no challenge will earn 0 steem/sbd.

I want the reward and title to mean something.
This isn't going to be an simple win. It's gonna be a tough competition.

I plan on the competition lasting a good decent amount of time, I don't want it to be quick or easy.
After thinking about it I decided.. The competition will end on July 18th of this year 2018.

To keep you on your toes and make it easier for me.. There's no set schedule and I don't know how many rounds there will be or if it will be a weekly thing or more often or less often than that.. We'll just see how it goes! :)
I'm going to post the challenges when ever it lines up with my schedule and feels like the right time to post.

The idea of this is sort of similar to a line of work I'm interested in getting involved in which is internet research.
Which is basically like being a human google and finding information and sometimes pulling it together from various sources and adding to it or filtering through less trust worthy information and trying to focus on more reliable information and stuff like that.

In a sense you can look at these challenges as being a sort of like a human google type of thing, I'm requesting certain kinds of information and the contestants will try to obtain/find said information for me.
It is my belief that.. Everything is information. Everything has a story to tell, even nothing.. Even the absence of information is information and can tell us something.

For example.. I feel like me asking for a picture of a beautiful sunset and you sharing one with me, whether you found it on google or somewhere else or captured it yourself, the end result is sort of the same.. I'm asking for information and you're finding it for me. Whoever finds the "best" info for my request.. Wins that round.

Okay so, hopefully you now understand the meaning of the language involved and the semantics are out of the way and you get why I call it "Information Finding".

At the time of typing this up steem is at $5.38 so.. The grand prize would be worth around $750 USD and if steem gets to $50 like a lot of people think it will by the end of the year, then at $50 a steem this 150 steem would be around $7500 USD. Hope that helps put into perspective just how much this might be worth some day if steem continues to go up in value.

It's not required that you follow my blog, though it might increase your odds of seeing challenges show up in your feed whenever they may be posted in the future.


First challenge starts now and is a challenge for the best steemit artwork.

It could be a drawing or a video or a song or music or poetry a funny meme, or who knows, whatever.
But.. Just basically a piece of artwork about steemit and in the spirit of.. Something to help sort of.. Bring attention to steemit and perhaps even help draw new people to steemit.

I'll share the winners submission on my steemit and Facebook page, and others can share it as well on their other social media if they would like.

The rules are..

You must create your own blog post on your page in regards to the challenge with a title mentioning the specific contest, IE something like.. "Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 1 entry" and then link it here on this page in the comments below. And you also have to use the #informationfinding tag in your blog post as well.

I accept artwork that you did not create yourself and it doesn't have to be brand new original work, but you must state if you made it yourself or not, and if not who did, and if you don't know who made it.. Tell me you don't know who made it. The more information about the artwork the better.

I will personally much more lean towards the original and unique content people have created themselves, BUT.. That doesn't necessarily mean that's who the winner will be.. This is the Information Finding Championship.. Whoever brings the best information as voted upon by myself and the judges in relation to what I request wins the round.

For this challenge.. If there's a tie.. We'll do another round between just those who tied to see who wins.

The winner will be decided by whoever gets the most votes.
The only people who can vote in a qualifying sense are myself and the four judges I've selected and we will vote by leaving a comment on the submission that we like the most and say something like.. "I vote for this one" and a reason why we voted would be good too, but is not mandatory.

You have until this challenges post payout ends to submit your post, and I think in general for most of the challenges you will have better odds if you submit sooner rather than later.

The challenge will finish after 7 days when the post ends and provides its payout cycle and unless there is a tie, the one with the most votes will get a level up and a point to go towards their long term win and the steem/sbd from the challenge (minus the 25% or so for curation)

A level up...? Yes. Each time you win a challenge you level up!
Levels are mostly just cosmetic/bragging rights at this point though in the future levels may mean more.

I may in the future make it so that certain rounds or challenges have bonuses or penalties for higher or lower level characters.. I'm not sure yet, BUT.. I would like to somehow make it so that levels mean more and I want this whole experience to feel more like a RPG(role playing game). If you have any suggestions about how I could make it more RPG like please let me know!

The Judges of this competition are below and I feel like they are some great judges personally! They all seem like good decent people who want to help. I'm pretty sure all of them or almost all of them said they would do it for free, but I still want to pay them even if it's just a little bit and if they'll let me.


I do not expect any of the judges to be present for ALL of the challenges just like I don't expect any single one of you who accepts this challenge to participate in every single contest.

I'm trying to do this in a sort of unpredictable way where there's no set schedule and you don't know when I'm posting so.. It just is what it is.

The judges are here to help add balance, yet I don't expect them to participate if they are too busy with their "real" lives or don't see a challenge in time or whatever.

I would like to notify the judges each time I post a challenge. seems like the best option to me right now.. And.. I'm on with two of the judges, so if you're one of the other judges you can contact me on there to get direct notifications when I post each challenge, my name over there is the same as it is here.

Please don't feel like you gotta be here for every challenge if you're a judge or a contestant! I'm happy if you just do what you feel comfortable doing. :)

Plus.. I AM open minded to adding more judges even though we appear to have four right now in addition to myself which is enough. So if judging is something you may be interested in, let me know and maybe we can figure something out..

I'm open to changing things about the competition, and if anyone has any good ideas I will certainly listen, however in the end this is my competition and if you don't like how it is set up, then you don't have to play or participate.

I have a feeling it will evolve, especially with your help.. So please feel free to share any ideas about the whole thing, or if you have any problems or complaints about how it works. If I agree with any issues you point out, I'll try to fix what I can!

I'm kinda new to this and pretty much making it up as I go, so.. Please be patient and understanding. Cause.. I really like this idea and.. Hopefully in the next couple years in the future I'm still doing these and the challenges will be even better by then. ._. Oh.. If you have any ideas about what kind of additional challenges you may like to see in the future, please let me know!

Okay.. About time for me to finish this up.. Umm... I don't ask for assistance that often, but.. I would appreciate that if you appreciate my efforts with what I'm doing here with this contest idea that you give this a resteem to help more people see this so they can participate as well. :) Thank you if you do! And..

Just in case anyone is confused.. To clarify again in regards to the rules.


1. First challenge starts now and is a challenge for the best steemit artwork. (see below for acceptable content entries) 2. Create a blog post for the contest. 3. Title must contain contest round, "Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 1 entry" Your blog post name (Stylized Art) 4. Provide a source for the art work, even if it is yourself state it, or if it is "unknown artist". 5. Leave a link to your post in the comments below. 6. And you also have to use the #informationfinding tag in your blog post as well.

Acceptable content

  1. Pictures, poetry, video, song, music, funny meme, drawing, painting, or whatever constitutes Art in your mind.
    ... Just basically a piece of artwork about steemit and in the spirit of.. Something to help ... Bring attention to steemit and perhaps even help draw new people to steemit.
  2. Artwork does not have to be brand new original work. Further details are in the body of the post for acceptable art.
  3. Language is primarily in English and if you would like to participate from elsewhere in the world it is up to you to translate your message into English so we can understand you.

Good luck in the contest!
Artwork credit - Joshua Clement on Facebook

PS.. I'm super curious to see which two people make it to the final round! And even more curious to see who ends up winning the first season of this contest! Guess we'll find out in a while! :D

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