Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 16 (catch up round)

Before we get started with this round.. We just got a new piece of artwork from @yeszuzia ! It's a picture of my character in the IFC world. "Apolymask". And.. I love it. :)

It's such an awesome picture in my opinion. Yeszuzia is so talented! Seriously.. This picture means so much to me, it was a random idea to connect it with the UFO and beam of light and lightning, though.. It is absolutely perfect and really encapsulates a lot of the mythos of my life.

I grew up in Sedona, Arizona which is like the second hot spot for UFOs outside of Roswell in the United States I believe? At least I heard that on a documentary about the subject once..

In my life I've seen more UFOs than I can remember and I've had a few other extra weird experiences or stories as well. I'm totally a believer that there is something unknown flying around in our skies and outer space, I just admit I dunno what it is.. Maybe they are humans with advanced technology or like time travelers or something, I don't know!

I do tend to think there are top secret craft like this owned by human governments, or.. If they are aliens, some or all of them still might just be humanoids from another place, some aliens probably look different but some might look just like us! Hey who knows.. Maybe there are already some aliens living among us on earth. -_-;;

So.. I think this picture is great for sort of blurring of those lines in our imaginary world and the real one in my opinion. :) Anyways.. I'm extremely happy with the picture and if you'd like a picture made I suggest you contact her!

Now on to the next round!

This is a "catch up" round. Catch up rounds are designed to encourage new people to play and also to help those who haven't won a game yet.
So you can only enter this round if you have not yet won a round.

Our next catch up round is going to be centered around the subject of...
The occult. Or "hidden".

The object of this mission is to find the most hidden thing.
Preferably something that can not be found online or on the internet, but.. Just do your best, we will consider all entries. :)

Oh and.. It doesn't have to be serious.. You can have fun with it and make a comedic entry if you want. Or you can do some kind of poem or picture or.. Whatever. Use your imagination, get creative with it.. That's one of the main ideas of this contest, and that's to help people sort of get out of their comfort zone a lil and adapt and learn new things, we try to keep the quests as open ended as possible to let the players come up with their own personal individualized solutions.

Additionally.. The winner of this round is going to be awarded a special new rare and legendary artifact.
The "Unidentified Object".. Some of our archaeologists discovered it in one of the ancient ruins near our castle.

It's a mysterious item as we still don't know much about the ruins we found it in.
However, our researchers figured out how to use it and found it has the ability to mimic any other artifact.
This is a great item for a new player or someone in a catch up round and will hopefully allow them to catch up even quicker!

Unfortunately you do not get to keep this artifact permanently and it is returned to our castle armory at the end of the season and will be awarded to someone new next season.

Good luck!

And now a moment for our sponsors!

First up is @ats-david who has helped greatly! If you appreciate this contest or just his efforts in general you may want to look into voting for him as a witness at @ats-witness, he does a lot of other cool things for the community as well!

Next is @timcliff who has similarly helped out the contest significantly and who is also a witness who does a lot for the community, so likewise if you appreciate the efforts you may want to vote for him as witness also!

I'd also like to thank @theguruasia who has pledged at least 20 steem to the second and third place prizes and he said he may even donate more.

And @nxtblg who has been regularly resteeming and upvoting our challenges which has been a big help!

Plus one other person who has been helping a lot who deserves some credit is @soundlegion who has also been upvoting the contests regularly.


For this challenge.. If there's a tie.. We will do another round to see who wins.

The winner will be decided by whoever gets the most votes.
The only people who can vote in a qualifying sense are myself and the judges I've selected and we will vote by leaving a comment on the submission that we like the most and say something like.. "I vote for this one" and a reason why we voted would be good too, but is not mandatory.

You have until this challenges post payout ends to submit your post. Though we do accept late entries if you get it in before all the judges vote.

The challenge will finish after 7 days when the post ends and provides its payout cycle and unless there is a tie, the winner will gain the steem, the XP and have a point to go towards their long term win. (minus the 25% for curation)


1. Sixteenth challenge starts now and is a challenge to see who can find the most occult or hidden thing. 2. Create a blog post for the contest. 3. Title must contain contest round, "Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 16 entry" 4. Leave a link to your post in the comments below. 5. And you also have to use the #informationfinding tag in your blog post as well.

Acceptable content

  1. The most "occult" or "hidden" thing you can offer..
  2. Language is primarily in English and if you would like to participate from elsewhere in the world it is up to you to translate your message into English so we can understand you.
  3. We also encourage Role Playing for those who enjoy doing that. :)

Good luck in the contest!
Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and on instagram

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